If you were to die today/tomorrow, what would your friends, love ones, enemies, and associates say about you?
When I thought about this question last weekend, for some reason yet to be determined,
my heart was racing. I literally thought I was having a heart attack. I do know atrial fibrillations are common– but I am uncertain if this flutter had anything to do with my heart ready to bounce out of my chest. Perhaps, it was anxiety. Dr. Singh (my Indian doctor with a Mumbai accent) will give his diagnosis early next week. Thank the Lord I can understand EVERY word he says!
For now, let’s discuss/think about death and dying. An avoided subject that I do not fear at all. I have been saying for a few years now, “If I die tomorrow, I must admit that I have had a pretty decent run.” If I believed in heaven or hell and had to guess where I would go when I die I would say that my ‘good deeds’ have helped prepare me a spot on the Right Side of Our Lord. Pearly Gates here I come!
I wonder if we can have this chat without someone referring to dying as passing, expiring, gone on to glory. I ask because I am of the belief that most Americans are completely uncomfortable with death (Figure that: afraid to go meet their Maker?). Therefore, regulating us to talking about “croaking” in abstract terminology.
Okay, let’s get started:
Eulogize yourself!
Death and Dying
“Although intellectually we all know that one day we shall die, generally we are so reluctant to think of our death that this knowledge does not touch our hearts, and we live our life as if we were going to be in this world forever.”
Could this be the reason we have difficulties dealing with the Final Exit?
Written by Brian E. Payne.
Reader Response:
I like that.
I to wonder why people use those terms. I use died.
Thanks for sharing!
Reader Response:
Interesting topic.
Everybody singing 'bout heaven, but no one's ready to go!
For me, I just try to live my life everyday with no regrets. If I am happy with how I am living, then I will not worry about what people say about me after I am dead and gone. Just as you stated, in my mind too I have a "seat in glory" - but definitely not because of my good deeds. If I relied on that, I might be afraid that my bad ones (known or unknown) might be close to outweighing the good ones. Kinda reminds me of the Egyptian story of your heart being weighed against the feather and that determining your eventual fate. Yeah, I do tons of good work, volunteer, am kind to people, and try to be an overall stand-up guy. But my hope in my eventual resting place lies in a simple thing called salvation through grace. It's based more on my RELATIONSHIP and my heart rather than what I can do to get there. I know that opens up a whole new conversation - which I am probably not completely ready to have - but that is what keeps me from being afraid of dying. Now, I don't live life foolishly or recklessly - and I try to live healthy to extend my quality of life. But, if it happens today, then I will say, oh well, that's what was meant to be. Now I don't want to suffer - I'd rather be taken out quickly and painlessly (which we know does not always happen). But at the end of th e day, when it's my time - I'm ready to for that chariot to come forth and carry me home!
Muata responds to Muata:
You are right, it does open up/start an entirely different dialogue. However, I am of the mindset that many of us 'get saved/reach salvation' - and that's it. Isn't it more to it than getting saved? Salvation is just another superficial religious process to some and an intimate/critical process for others - but when it is all said and done, What will we have to say about Michael Jenkins? What impact and/or legacy did he leave? I believe for me to answer those questions I have to look to the deeds you imparted. I know you well enough to say that, 'MJ' was a good man. His actions proved it.' So, I say we must try to do good each day so that the good deeds will produce change, happiness, love, etc.
Reader Response:
I've read before that writing one's own eulogy can be an eye opener. I'm sure some people do it when they're terminally ill. I've never done it though.
Reader Response:
Did you get any responses to the death question. Like you, the idea of death does not frighten me. I have even explored the concept of reincarnation as taught by other religions - you keep coming back until you get it right. I don't know if it's true, but it makes more sense to me than going to hell forever.
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