Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Arizona Concern

A few days ago I was feeling "detached". Unconcerned! Well, as of today I am feeling ATTACHED. A bit concerned!

Here is why:

"I am from Russia. I reside in Arizona. Have been for years. At least 10. I am undocumented. An illegal alien. Over the past week, I have been thinking how this new law will keep me safe. Safe from being deported. Take a look at my picture (above). Do I look like I am suspicious? Based on looks alone, would there be a reason for a police officer to stop me and demand my 'papers'? Guess I am in the clear. Thank God I look like the majority population!"

I read this on a blog site. Supposedly, posted by a real person. A Russian.


Does not have to be a true account. The message is clear. Right?

Brian E. Payne sharing.


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Response:

Have not thought about it this way. Thanks. I may change my opinion.


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Response:

The entire situation as pissed me off.


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Response:

I see nothing wrong with the law.