Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It is Tax Season!

There is more energy in the air. People are walking around with more confidence than they had six months ago. The car salesmen are ready to make a sale. Men are a little more prideful. Women are smiling. Best Buy is prepared for an increase in flat screen television sales. Ministers are rubbing their hands: more money will be placed in the offering baskets. Hair salons have stocked up on weave, activator, gel, and perms. Barbers are excited; their tips will increase. Strippers and prostitutes are prepared for more work. The Asians nail salons are gearing up for the weekend onslaughts. The mail carrier will be approached by men and women waiting around for the coveted W-2's. Additional weight will be gained because people are going to purchase and eat more food. Some people will give money to family members without condition. Liquor houses will be packed out with people dressed like they are headed to the Grammy's. Trailer Park communities will be littered with Milwaukee's Best beer cans. A child's social security number is of premium value...this will surely put Baby Momma and Baby Daddy at odds. Comcast and Direct TV are adding temporary technicians because people are getting or upgrading their service packages. And, you will hear over and over again: 'When I get my tax money...'

It is Tax Season!

Yesterday I traveled away from my community stomping grounds for a moment. I ended up sitting in my vehicle watching people come and go. The Chevron was off the chain! I discovered why when I went in for a bottle of water and my weekly 24 ounce of Miller High Life: folk were playing the lottery.

I was in the parking lot of a shopping plaza. I decided to circle the lot. As I coasted I counted eight income tax service businesses: Tax Time, Jimmy's Income Tax Services, Thank You Jesus My Money Is Here Tax Preparation, etc. Everywhere I looked there was a place to get your taxes RAPIDLY completed.
Of course, we know that these businesses are ripping people off. Right? We also know that the service seekers are aware that they should not pay an untrained tax preparer $500 for twenty minutes of work. Right? But, the people want their money...NOW. I can understand that. I really can! Times are tough, and President Obama did not provided any certainties of immediate value during the State of the Union address.

However, the seekers of that scam for a service – usually are people struggling to make ends meet - can get their taxes 'done' for FREE, and guess what? Their money will reach a bank account within 5-7 days. Sometimes less than that!

Why not wait a few more days?

I know why: People want their money...NOW! I definitely understand that…
If you are or know a few people who are prone to use the services of these exploitative business that are supported in name and status by the likes of Magic Johnson please do a little research. Google 'free tax preparation'. You may be surprised by the hits. Actually, if you are in the Atlanta area and make less than 48K hit me up ( I will direct you to a local non-profit agency that will complete your taxes for FREE.

I don't expect to get any emails.

People want their money...NOW! Lord knows I understand...but my and your understanding may not be the best option.

Muata Nowe

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My Mann!! I knew if you were thinking or if someone mentioned this topic, you would write. Great job! Brothers and sisters let's get our income tax done for FREE!!!