Friday, February 19, 2010

Runaway Zebra Captured On Downtown Connector - News Story - WSB ...

The Zebra was doing what we all should be trying to do: BE FREE.

As The Zebra galloped down Atlanta's busy highway we watched in amazement. Rubber-necking. Thinking about the bizarre-ness of the scene. Holding-up traffic, wishing we could be out of it. But, wondering why the striped creature was out of its caged environment.

I stopped "wondering" when The Zebra was cornered by humans. It was at that very moment that I felt sorry for God's creation: HUMANS. It was also at that moment, as I watched the ridiculousness from afar (live television), that I began to desperately yearn for freedom. Free of my complex schedule. Free of authority. Free of all my self-imposed vices.

We are not free! Sitting in traffic, texting, FaceBooking, arguing, and rushing to no place are only a few impediments that hinders what we think we have: FREEDOM.

Hopefully, we learned/re-learned something from The Zebra. I did.

Lord, continue to place us in the midst of humility so that we can 'see' more Zebras.

Written by Brian E. Payne


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Response:

Sounds like you get it!


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Response:

Funny you sent this. I was just talking to someone yesterday about being FREE!!! Free from the stresses of society. Life is too short, I am sure God did not put us on this earth to stress our lives away. Sometimes you have to break free from your regularly programmed life for a minute and really look at things from a different perspective. The Zebra was only roaming free as he would before the buildings, streets, and cars were even created. Is he wrong for wanting to be outside of a cage... I think not!!! We are placed in a cage everyday for 8hrs or until we clock out for 5 even 6 days out of the week. Think about it, and let it marinate for a minute..... We all probably want to be free just like the zebra did. But unfortunately, we return right back to a place of confinement to live another day.


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Response:

Right. And the majority of us do it without putting up much of a fight. We are as well-heeled as the dog inside the invisible, electric fence, who through pain and conditioning has learned how far he can go before the pain begins and takes his own personal pains not to go that far, but to get as close to the perimeter as possible.


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Response:

Run zebra, Run! They are going to get you and box you in! What a metaphor. The human being is like the zebra. .......running, caged in and no where to go to hide at times.


MUATA NOWE said...

Muata responds:

But, how many of us are prepared to pay the price for freedom?

"The price of freedom is death."

When Malcolm X said this back in the 60's he was referring to sacrifice.

When we relinquish the stressor we are in affect sending it to its death. We offer the stressor up for sacrifice.

Lord knows I need to 'kill' so much crap in my life.

I wanna-be free!


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Response:

You know, Brian, Lent started this week. I only say that because maybe the spirit, the energy moved you to search for freedom from stress, clutter, and noise.

Quiet lets us hear the voice, the voices that matter.


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Response:

It's only our own thoughts that keep us caged in. The difference between us(humans) and the zebra is that the zebra does not think about who it will give its love to, nor does it look for anyone else to give love to itself. The zebra has figured out unlike us humans that freedom does not come from others, but only its enjoyment of itself. The zebra knows its not who you know and it's not what you do. But it's how you live. Thus, the zebra is still FREE within chains!!!


MUATA NOWE said...

Muata responds to Freedom: true-so true.

" FREE within chains!!!"

Ya hit it! WOW!!

Sounds like you are saying that we can be FREE even in confinement???


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Freedom responds:

...there is NO confinement, but our own perceptions.
