Can ALWAYS count on The do something! Small and/or big.
Where ya at Church Folk? Churches? I know there are black churches among the THOUSANDS nationwide doing their 'own thing'. What about a national black church movement to assist Haiti? Nope. Will not happen...Denominations, differences in Christology, and contradictions in religious approaches prevents the unification of black churches for THE GREATER GOOD outside of their four walls. So asinine!
The Black Church gets no slack from me. God and Jesus don't either!! Remember, God is the reason for the earthquake. He does control all things, right?
-Brian E. Payne
Reader Response:
I love how ruthless you are! When are you coming to the Zen center? You are such a fuc_ing Buddhist.
Reader responds to Muata's comment:
That is why i don't belong to a church anymore.
Muata responds to SP:
I love a good sermon. I actually miss that. Just can't get down with that 'make believe stuff'.
Reader Response:
I said the same thing. But, of course, we know that no Black churches in modern history, have been willing to work together, if it means risking their member "contributions." The self-imposed power structure also knows that this would be next to impossible, since it's bad enough getting Blacks to do anything substantive collectively on a daily basis. The breakdown in communication when it comes to my church vs. your church and my religion vs. your religion is nothing more than an excuse to do nothing. And NOTHING is something we're damn good at, so please leave us to that and stop trying to convince us to become a collective. ;-)
It's only Black people who can say with a serious expression that Jesus is their Jesus in the possessive. More like, don't talk about MY Jesus. And, yes, they're talking about the same Jesus that was given to them through the ignorance of their parents who generations ago were given it by their conquerors. With all that Jesus praising, they ain't producing nothing real. Why? Because they love him who they have NEVER seen more than they love their brother and sister who they see every day. They have dismissed their own written belief system with that one. Now, extrapolate that to the entire Black unit, because we ain't a community, and you get millions of individuals suffering from cognitive dissonance. ;-)
Reader Response:
I went walking at the Family Life Center Saturday. At halftime of the basketball game, a member got on the microphone to announce to all the people in attendance that God was less concerned about people taking care of their bodies and more concerned about their souls. This can be argued but I immediately looked at the 70-80% of obese people in attendance and thought that this message relieved them and motivated them to take pleasure in eating and sitting at the rate they were.Religion has been used as a control factor since conception. For Blacks, a MAJOR CRUTCH!
Muata responsds to PM:
I am not sure what it is - but my disdain for ignorance that comes out the church and church folk mouths burns me up. I believe it stems from my frustration that I was hoodwinked by this religious crap for so long. Actually, I feel like a jack ass for believing in all this crap. I dislike that I was so weak to believe it.
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