John Von Brunn by all accounts is plagued by violent hatred. His poisonous venom will soon be made available to the world to read again. His book, Kill the Best Gentiles, is littered with hateful epithets. All directed toward African Americans and the world’s self proclaimed victims, the Jews.
As a child I thought about what could make someone so insane that they would take the life of another just because the other is black. Of course, as I grew older I began to include the Jewish people in my thought process: “Why are they hated so?” At that very moment of sympathetic inclusion I realized something about myself. I was not the Black Man who hated all white people. My heart began to bleed for the elderly, psychologically and physically neglected children, and all disenfranchised men and women. Race did not matter to me. What matter was JUSTICE.
Think about it, Mr. Brunn (who I hope dies in the hospital) believes he was delivering/issuing justice.
Has the American culture seeped so low in manure that we have regulated justice to a subjective derivative? Somewhat like what we have done to truth? Wow!
The truth is John Von Brunn is a maniac who has lived an entire life being disgusted with blacks and Jews because his mental condition has been ‘conditioned’ and ‘groomed’ by a society that refuses to face the truth. A truth that THEY forged on paper e.g. Constitution/Bill of Rights/Declaration of Independence – but fail to live by the ink’s creed. Nonetheless, this racist, that I was compared to by a black man this week simply because I communicate the stinging truths of African American discontent, should not be excused for our government’s failure to practice what it preaches worldwide (never put into REAL action).
Mr. Brunn acted out the desires of countless men and women in these United States. How do I know this? Listen to conservative talk radio. A few of the personalities i.e. Rush, Sean, and callers from all over the nation are spewing. Fuming. Just because their nightmare has become a reality:
A Black Man has more Power than Them
When a white man’s power is taken or has eroded their worlds end. They begin to encourage other weak minded men/women to speak their racist fire with the final intent to ultimately ‘take out’ the one with the power.
Every black man and woman should be on alert. THEY (lunatics and the man you may report to each morning, your boss) are prepared to wage war so that they will not lose their stolen land. So, I recommend when you are in their malls, on their trains/buses, and at other public places to be on guard. Unfortunately, Stephen Tyrone Johns was on guard; and was still killed by hatred. Hatred, not words.
Written by Brian E. Payne. Inspired by a comment made by L. Scott.
“What's the difference between you and the man that tried to kill women and kids at the Holocaust Museum yesterday?” –L. Scott
“I ain’t no murderous hater. I just don’t like those who raped my female ancestors and those who plot to keep my brothas ‘in a hell of a state'.” -Brian E. Payne
White supremacist kills guard at Holocaust museum - Times Online
Reader Response:
Don't hate B.E. Payne.
Muata responds to EAS:
I do not hate. There are some people I just do not like because of their actions/behavior.
Reader Response:
Mr. VonnBrunn is plagued by far more than just hatred. He has been plagued with everything that was fed to him by somebody else in an eera when the men he served with in World WarII did not want Black in teh Navy. The Black Marines that were to serve in teh Pacific Theatre at the time that he served were only .5% of teh enitre Marine Fleet Force Worldwide. He came up in a time that many white folks believed that Black men were far too inferior to fly fighter planes until a young Colonel Benjamin O. Davis and a handful of college educated black men proved them wrong.
In his 89 years, Mr. VonBrunner saw the worst and best of his own kind and he chose to subscribe to the ideas of the worst of his own kind. He allowed it to take over his mind until it became an irreversable, inoperable cancer or infectious disease that consumed him and his ability to reason. Over the years he has poisoned other minds with his disease. He and his friend, William Luther Pierce, the author of the Turner Diaries, extended their venomous contagion far enough that in April of 1994, a young man drove a truck up to a Federal Government Office building in Oklahoma City and detonated its contents...killing scores of innocent people including babies.
The only reason a black man would have more power over anyone in any society is because he understands what is like to be hated simply because he exists, and because he has learned to conquer his own fear and use it as a source of knowledge, strength and understanding. It is our own God-given understanding that makes us strong; not the other man's weakness.
Peace be unto you dear young brother.
Muat responds to R:
Thanks for responding.
"He and his friend, William Luther Pierce, the author of the Turner Diaries, extended their venomous contagion far enough that in April of 1994, a young man drove a truck up to a Federal Government Office building in Oklahoma City and detonated its contents...killing scores of innocent people including babies."
A friend and I were talking about those who are radicalized/brainwashed to do something so hateful and evil. From the discussion and others, I have determined that men/women who end up committing acts like this are weak/insecure. But, what about those Middle Eastern men who are college trained, intelligent, mentally stable, and emotionally mature? These are the men who flew planes into the towers. What is their issue/defect? How were they 'encouraged' to commit such a mean act?
Hate surpasses intelligence/emotion maturity/mental stability?
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