Friday, December 12, 2008

Excessive Liberalism Should be Feared

It’s that time of the year when community members and state legislators argue over whether or not an Abies Alba is erected to honor Christmas. An argument over a damn tree? Some say that Christmas trees have no historical connection to Jesus’ incorrect birthday, and others believe that the tree has its place during the festive season. Personally, I don’t care about its value or non-value. I just like the smell of a freshly cut down tree. It not only adds a pine fragrance to my mannish domain, it reminds me of a holiday that I once appreciated.

One would think that I ignore Christmas because of the mall sponsored commercialism. That’s not the case. I have discovered that my discontent stems from how Christmas has lost its original meaning because of excessive liberalism.

Just the other day a determined to be heard atheist decided that it was within his Freedom of Speech Rights to post a sign next to a nativity scene that reads:

At this season of the winter solstice, may reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens our hearts and enslaves our minds.

While I agree with the second sentence beginning at “no devils’ and the entire final sentence, I am opposed to extreme leftist views that are only purported ‘to be different’ and/or irresponsibly combative. Not that atheism falls into the aforementioned categories. Actually, the non-believing system of ideas is legitimate, and makes a lot of sense when one removes his/her faith lenses.

In an effort to accommodate the non-believer the state of Washington accepted the application from him and his group, The Freedom from Religion Foundation; and as a result the sign has been placed in close proximity to the infamous Birth of Christ display. Since then there have been a handful of lefties submitting request to have their self-centered views represented in the capital’s rotunda.

What does this have to do with liberalism?

As we approach a new era, an energized movement - it is obvious that the majority of voting Americans are willing to try something new (the election of a black man to the US presidency). Understanding and accepting that Barack Obama represents the liberal agenda, we are officially solidifying the push from the ultra liberal left. This, indicating that the American people are prepared to toss out tradition and the values that have worked for America for such a long time. One has to agree that the basic tenets of the value system are decent. Trashing the tradition means that there will be an inevitable shift in the way laws are legislated and enacted. In my belief, this can only cause harm to us rather than emancipate us.

When the United States decided to push unregulated political correctness I knew then that we were more interested in accommodating (not accepting) outlandish beliefs and values than protecting what has ‘maintained’ us for years.

Where will we be when we cannot identify what is right and what is wrong? Will we be in a position to reprimand/punish those who declare: ‘I did it because who is to say what I did was wrong?’ Believe it or not, this is the road we have taken. There is no more sacred structure surrounding the holidays that have assisted in shaping righteousness. Besides, what is the harm in celebrating the life of a great man (I did not say, the Son of God)? What is wrong with believing in something as long as you do not force your beliefs on someone else and not emphasizing that your way is the only way? What is wrong with keeping with the status quo if it is not harmful?

Why is there a need to liberalize freedoms we already have?

Does not make sense to me – but what does is that anything too far to the right or left cannot be healthy. It is in fact suicide. What we need is a balance that’s acceptable by the Divine Creator while keeping in mind that this Creator that this Christian nation believes in is/was NOT a Liberalist Lefty. He supported conservative customs (Ten Commandments), and was against any belief that disturbed/disrupted His work in forming tradition.

If only we could talk to those who got in His way.

Written by Brian E. Payne. Inspired by a fleeting conservative approach.


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader K responds:

I'm sure you would agree that excessive anything should feared, right?


MUATA NOWE said...

Muata responds to K:

Yes. Think about our culture. Many of the problems stem from excess consumption. Don't ya think?


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader K responds:

I totally agree. Moderation is the key and it seems that we're being forced back into more moderate lifestyles. It's a vicious cycle.


MUATA NOWE said...

Muata responds to K:

Moderate in the way we spend money is where we are headed - but this country has gotten too liberal for my liking i.e. elected official who had a sex change, lines are blurred from what is right and wrong, etc. Too much for my conservative liking.


MUATA NOWE said...

Reder K responds:

Okay...I did not know about the elected official who'd had a sex change. Interesting. I hear you, but I think that moderate spending will only be the beginning. The forced down-sizing of our lives and lifestyles will assuredly permeate into other areas of our lives. Our love of money and things is the biggest culprit so it stands to reason that we must slay this dragon first. Addressing that issues WILL sober us up and make us come out of the clouds. Then, we'll be ready to get real about other things in our lives, like weight, drugs, and all the other addictions that have Americans in bondage.


MUATA NOWE said...

Muata responds to K:

call me old school. call me bias. call me intolerant - but i do know that a man should be a man and a woman should be a woman. PERIOD. and, i base this on the natural order. not, religion.

liberalism and political correctness is out of control!


MUATA NOWE said...

America is lost in an abyss of uncontrolled liberalism. The effort to practice restraint is gone. We don't go without to build strength. We do not fast in the countless ways there are to fast to gain mental and spiritual clarity. What we have done is become the biblical cities/areas/villages that ended up self-destructing. We need a miracle. We need a middle of the road conservative approach. All this carefree liberalism has destroyed America, and the result is telling in our music, tv, schools, etc. Unfortunately, what we have done also is poisoned other countries. My sad commentary that needs some infusion of hope. But, when I look at this situation through my biblical and theological lens: IT IS DONE.
