Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Socialism at its Best

There are countless events/decisions that can end a politician’s stint of blissfulness and remarkable popularity. Just call Alaska Senator Ted Stevens. Well, there are more than two – but for the sake of the 2008 Presidential Election let me share one with you:

Accusations of being a Socialist

Since elementary school I always wondered why my teachers breezed over the tenets of socialism. They would spend a total of 3 seconds on “the theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.”

As I got older, a little wise, and Stokely Carmichael rebellious each year I was FORCED to accept, swallow, and breathe capitalism like it was the only successful way to operate a country. The aggressive public school education coerciveness (arm twisting) was reminiscent of the lectures we received on reasons to despise the then USSR. Unrelenting were the underpaid history and social studies teachers! They behaved robot-ish in an effort to support America’s calculated brainwashing. Similar to impressionable kindergarteners verbalizing the first indoctrination into American-hood: The Pledge of Allegiance. Almost like McCain and Palin supporters: Programmed to think and believe whatever the Republican Machine sees fit. Like the false insinuation that Barack Obama wants “the death of Israel”.

Now, it is time for Barack’s robots and those people STILL undecided to resist the infiltration of fear tactics. But, I have to ask, ‘What is there to fear in regards to socialism? The way I see it socialism may just be a better structure for the United States considering capitalism has been abused and proven to work only for the top 1%, the wealthy. For those coal miners and Joe the Plumbers who believe it has worked they must be living on Mars. GOP loyal at its best! But, of course, our government, particularly bad temper John McCain backers are hypocrites if they fail to acknowledge that congress has not adopted the following:

…systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

Didn’t the United States government recently become owners of the world’s largest insurance company (AIG)? Didn’t the United States government recently become CEO’s of several banks? Both are initiatives taken to control the economy and centralize high dollar services.

Furthermore, what has this government done over the past 6 weeks that would immune it from socialistic tendencies?

I will tell you what they will not do with there newly accepted Marxist theory:

A) They will not share the profits from the most crooked and legalized business (insurance) with the people.
B) They will not replenish the money lost in millions of 401K’s.
C) They will not lower banking fees that drain the struggling American.
D) They will not bailout the people who really need foreclosure assistance.
E) They will not reinvest in America’s former strength: The automobile industry.

Our government has no plan to do what brave Fidel Castro did with Cuba’s sugar cane proceeds; and this corrupt government will never redistribute the wealth that was obtained illegally by greedy corporate bosses who were/are in cahoots with politicians, cunning board members, and yes - former slave owners. Thus making them the new mafia with taxpayer paid salaries.

I thank Barack Obama for being a real radical socialist. He is my new Ernesto Che Guevara. A fighter for the people. A man wanting to ensure all Americans eat. He is not some spineless talking head who coyly promotes socialism in legislation – but fails to stand by its banner.

Written by Brian E. Payne. Inspired by the lost and now found audio tape of the real Barack Obama. I knew I would end up loving this black man!

Audio clip:

Monday, October 27, 2008

You know what I continue to notice?

We are becoming immune to senseless killing. In a span of 10 days here in Atlanta two people have been struck by a stray bullet. Last week it was a black mother of three. While braiding one of her daughters hair in their living room a bullet came flying through the window and struck her in the back. Dead on Arrival. Earlier this morning (October 27, 2008) a 19 year old black man was hit by a bullet while he slept on his sofa. Dead on Arrival. And, we all know about the latest atrocity to plague the landscape of Chicago: Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother, and nephew slain. Killed by whom? We all know the answer to that question will be: A Black Man.

One of the neighbors after hearing the mumbles of why Jennifer's mother continued to stay in the dreadful 7000 block of Chicago's Southside stated, "Mrs. Donerson did not won't to leave her neighborhood. She loved it here." Loving a crime invested ghetto is nothing new. The attachment is un-detachable. At times it (da hood) stays with us even if we do eventually own a home in the Hampton's e.g. Keyshia Michelle Coles. You know the old saying, “We can leave the ghetto – but we cannot take the ghetto out of us.”

How I wish Jennifer’s mother would have abandoned that hateful black community. Lord, if only she would have gotten fed-up with the gun shots. Gun shots, by the way, several people reported that they heard on that tragic morning – but were unmoved by what is all too common in the hood: Gun Fire!

Isn’t it ruefully telling when no one runs for cover anymore after hearing semi-automatic weapons pop-off? I remember when I use to go to Aggie Fest (a former A & T State University Spring Party) it never failed for some black fool to pretend he was in the Wild Wild West. When we heard the shots back then we ran. Ran for cover and after the commotion ceased we would look for the injured. Nope, not these days. We are sadly accustomed to the mayhem: No one came a running for Jason and Darnell after the bang-bangs!

Mayhem takes me back to my original point: Where is the disturbance? Where are the lawful disorders and/or protests? Why aren’t we, BLACK PEOPLE, blog complaining about this? Are we so far gone that we ignore the death of our future? Or, is it that we are just USE to the local news that we tune into? Yeah, that’s it we are in-tune with the Shadow of Death that lurks in our neighborhoods. Step by step. Stride by stride. Quiet. But armed and ready to YELL in resistance as soon as a white man calls Barack Obama a Sambo.

Written by Brian E. Payne. Inspired by Julian King.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

One Scared Cat (The Black One)

For the first time in years I was terrified. Terrified that I would be accused of a misdeed. Concerned that I could be linked to a horrible crime. Petrified that my character could easily be dragged through manure if Ms. White Lady yelled: RAPE. This was where my mind was the other day as I received neck and back treatment at a physical therapy office.

I just can’t stop thinking about ‘what if’. What if this physical therapist decided she wanted to do me in? Literally destroy my life! Again, all she had to do was say to a police officer, ‘That’s him. Number 4. He sexually assaulted me.’ What was I suppose to think while alone with her? No receptionist. No nurse. No one – but the two of us. A black man and a white well respected PT. My word against hers: I would definitely lose!

Losing is America’s predicament at this very moment in time. Here we are 10 days away from electing the BEST candidate for president of the United States, and we are dolefully rediscovering that many of America’s people have yet to relinquish the dirt spot that has not been washed away by what this country prides itself on: Diversity. We just can’t get rid of the demoralizing and sickening stain! I thought we were moving in that direction when we witnessed Lilly white Iowa unify to uplift Barack Obama during the primaries. I would be lying if I said I was not hopeful. I, with caution, started to believe what my fourth grade teacher told me: “This is America. You are somebody, and the color of your skin does not matter.”

Sadly, my black skin was of relevance on this day of painful backrubs. My therapy was going great – but I thought about the DANGER I put myself in. I should have told the physical therapist, ‘I do not feel comfortable in here alone with you. It’s not that I am afraid you will harm me. No, I am afraid that if something tragic was to happen to you after I leave your office they (the police) will come directly to my house; and I would be a person of interest.’ Yes, I agree that anybody would be a suspect (white, black, or brown) under those circumstances. Nonetheless, who do you think the detectives would lean on the heaviest?

We all know the answer: The Black Man.

I mentioned in a previous commentary that Barack Obama cannot run from his blackness. It is the number one fear factor in America’s despicable and embarrassing atmosphere today. Some try to camouflage their racist bias with allegations of Barack being a Muslim which is an attack on Islam, with attempts to connect him to a man Fox News is calling a terrorist, and the same lame effort to resuscitate Jeremiah Wright. Again, they are desperate.

But, perhaps not as desperate as I was all evening yesterday. As I watched Atlanta’s crime-riddled news, all I could think about was: ‘I pray that there is not a report of a young physical therapist murdered in her converted home-based doctor’s office’. Paranoia was definitely settling-in. However, being paranoid was not farcical. This is Georgia! Being black is a constant reality here if a black person ventures 30 minutes outside of the black hubs: Covington HWY, Redan Road, Old National HWY, and Cascade Road.

Barack Obama left the mainland this week to visit his ill grandmother, Madelyn Dunham. I wonder if this eighty-six year old matriarch is aware of the changes the United States have made? I wonder if she is aware that her grandson is still judged by the color of his skin and not by the content of his character?

America, the Greatest Disappointment.

Written by Brian E. Payne. Inspired by recognizing the danger I was in the other day.
The following article was the substance needed to begin a lengthy, heated, and healthy email dialogue that contributed to two days worth of meaningful discussion with a group of college educated, middle class, married, single, and PASSIONATE about black relationships African Americans. There is a lot to learn in the comments. Please feel free to read them and respond if ya like!

Why Black Women Can't Find Good Black Men

It still amazes some men to hear Black women say that they can't find good, quality Black men for companionship. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the ratio of women to men in the U.S. is about 145 million women to roughly 139 million men. In more manageable terms -- for every 100 sistas, there are about 87 brothas. Not too bad. But according to Black women, the best of Black men are either hidden deeply within those 87, or have somehow disappeared within that missing 13. If these men are not physically hidden or totally out of the relationship picture -- where are they? The answer: They're right here. They're over there. They're everywhere!

These sentiments are spoken loudly by the thousands of available Black men who find it illogical to simply state "No good men exist." Many Black men don't understand the social reasoning behind the female belief that there is a Black male shortage. To men, it appears that women have become so enthralled with the notion of there being a shortage -- many don't take the time to notice the Black men who are available. It is here that we begin to explore the depths of the problem.

Women aren't looking for just any guy. They seek men of quality, good character, and substance -- which has nothing to do with numbers. Since guys are supposed to be more logical creatures, we tend to crunch numbers. We also tend to take a more tangible position by believing that if they can hear us, touch us, and see us -- how can they say there aren't enough of us?
But ask any woman -- she will likely tell you that plenty of brothas exist, but not many with whom she would want to spend quality time. Also, there is an argument from Black women who believe that there are specific reasons for the shortages. For instance, the numbers of Black men residing in prisons, and the many Black men who choose to date women of other races.

Going back to our 100-Women to 87-Men ratio, the following stats my shed some light on where Black women say the available Black men are hiding:

White Women

Chances are, Black men who desire White females today, desired them yesterday and will probably desire them for the foreseeable future. We cannot assume that a Black man dates Black women his entire life; has a bad experience; and as a result, decides to explore life with a White female. We're not hating on White women, but how much of the 87 should we subtract? Let's choose a medium-sized number like 20 to denote the total unavailable to Black women.


Unfortunately, there are a lot of Black men serving time in local, state and federal prisons. But women must ask themselves, "Why would I want a man who commits crimes serious enough to land him behind bars?" Don't get me wrong. We still love our imprisoned brothas, and some of them have been incarcerated unjustly. But this issue is relative and depends on each woman's definition of, "good brotha". If women desire men of integrity and great moral fiber, then we should subtract another medium-sized number (20) from the group of 87. This accounts for the sad numbers of brothas who just aren't living right and don't deserve a spot in society.


Men who are homosexual, bisexual, or live outside of what society calls, "heterosexual" -- make up another medium-sized number since they don't typically seek relationships with women. Strangely enough, there are some bisexual men who also desire to be in heterosexual relationships. However, most heterosexual women don't knowingly choose to date a bisexual man. So again, we subtract (20) from the group of 87 to account for gay men, and other men who aren't considered "straight".

Now we have the Big Three. According to Black women and many within the Black community, these three situations create a wedge that has been driven between Black women and available "good" Black men.

But what does it all mean?

It means that in reality, only 87 - 60 = 27 available Black men are actually, "available" for the 100 Black women in our Census stats. This is, of course, assuming there are 100 available, good Black women out there.

If we assume there are, then the ratio reveals some pretty low numbers.

Now, the task for our sistas is to locate one of the 27 men who is considered, "good".

Writiten by a Staff Writer for

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Obama’s Blackness Resurrected

I have always enjoyed being black. Some will say that I hate the color that I share with Barack Obama – but I will fight until death to prove that I am a lover of my blackness. Why wouldn’t I love the skin I live in? It is certainly what that 70’s slogan promotes: Beautiful! However, on occasion I have been mildly embarrassed while in this rich dark chocolate pigment. Why wouldn’t I considering the ridiculous behavior shared with the world by the likes of everyday black folk and black people of superstar status like Pacman Jones. There are many more I can list who have had me hiding under my desk at work. So many! Consequently, there are countless black men and women who have me walking around with my chest puffed-out and my head held high. Like this BEAUTIFUL young black man (click on name):

Dalton Sherman

Barack Obama is perfect example also. He is everything that exemplifies BEAUTY. Intelligent: Graduated from Harvard. A hard working man: Dedicated his life to service. Inspiring: Draws huge crowds. Articulate: He is a master of the English language and uses it in a way to MOVE the crowd. A parent: Raising two attractive young black girls. Married: A great husband. In a nutshell, Barack Obama has become the American Dream. He has secured it with grace, integrity, humility, and with patience.

But, there is one thing that lingers and typically not associated with the American Dream: He is BLACK.

Last week the entire world was reminded that he carries a stigma. A nasty trait. A defect. He is a black man in America. With all his accolades and accomplishments he will be a Spook in the White House. Yes, this is what he is to millions of white people in the Great United States. Not just the red states either! The stinking corpse-like conscious of America is in every corner of this failing country. Are you surprised by this:

We (black folk) should not have expected anything different. As soon as the losers (Republican Party and their pathetic followers) finally accepted that they are about to take a L (Barack will win – but they will find a way to steal and cheat again) they decided to send a hate-filled reminder to Barack, his loyal white followers, and the rest of the world that he is BLACK. That dreaded and seldom used crayon: “That one”. ‘That one” is typically reserved for describing the unwanted. The useless item or being. Right?

Even in my disdain for this expected behavior from angry John McCain, hollow-head Sarah Palin, and the sell-out for a black man who begged McCain to “stick it to him (Barack)” I concluded a long time ago that Barack Obama would eventually be reattached to his blackness in the late stages of the campaign. What other flaw does he possess at this late stage that sticks? The gorilla in the room (racism) never did go to sleep!!

Nonetheless, with my Black Power disposition, the most disappointing action made by Barack was his decision to somewhat distance himself from his darkness: Black People. Regardless, of what we want to believe we all know Barack Obama was forced to diss black people. He never ‘pandered’ to us. He went to a black church and told white America that black men are dead beats in so many words. Then he tragically disowned and disavowed his pastor of 20 years.

Now, before I get blasted, consider the truth:

He had to do it. It was a must to not appear sympathetic to the black community. No one white likes someone who truly loves black people and who would die for them e.g. Farrakhan, Sharpton, etc. If Obama showed the slightest concern for the black hosiery mill worker he would have been labeled that Russian term: Chyórniy.

Isn’t that ironic? Here is a black man who has done what they (most of white America) wanted so that he could get elected president of this God Awful Country, and now he is what (the color black in countless languages):


In the past few days Barack’s campaign had to air an ad that reinforced his white heritage to appease these back-wood zealots. I guess being part white helps. Isn’t that something?

I really want to ask, who da fool? But, I do realize that question is inappropriate, and probably does not make any sense at the moment considering the election has not occurred. Nevertheless, it is a question Jeremiah Wright and some Black Power heroes are asking and prefacing before they conclude with:

‘I told you so, Barack Obama. They, at their core, hate you because you are black. No other reason. You had to know that abandoning your race was a prerequisite? Or, are you still hoping that you will not be connected to what you are to them?’

Written by Brian E. Payne. Inspired by my prayer:

Dear Lord, regardless of Barack’s skin tone please help those plagued with hatred to see Barack Obama as what he is, The Change We Need. We are counting on you, Jehovah.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

My Open Letter to Sean Hannity

Dear Sean Hannity,

In my continued effort to hear, and then attempt to understand both sides I have endured your overly conservative radio talk show for eight months. It has definitely been a ride! At times I was reminded of a time in my life when I had the inability to stomach information that was different from my views and opinions. Those were the days when I would foolishly walk out of a conference or training session where the facilitator uttered oppositions of my mindset. Those days are over, Sean.

Over the years I have forged a shield of intellectual beliefs that are impenetrable. Not even an undercover racist, like you, can frustrate me. But, I must admit that you have been surprisingly informative and thoroughly insightful. I thank you for that. However, you have also been sadly disappointing.

Initially, you did a remarkable job sharing the right-winged spin. Hard-hitting and piercing. The way you intertwined your interpretation of the facts with America’s reality was not only impressive, it was brilliant. Inconsequently, you have been unrelenting with an analysis that’s rooted in white fear, guilt, and self-controlled racism. Controlled in the sense you have yet to call Barack Hussein Obama what your damnation disposition spews: Ni**er.

Without referring to Obama as a light skin House Negro you have been understandably effective at convincing your wealthy, tight-behind, trailer park, and Jesus fanatical Christian followers that Barack Obama is a Black Panther Party radical who is ready to paint America’s Dysfunctional House BLACK. Black in the REAL sense of the word! Black to the point that you along with your steamy red neck followers are fearfully thinking that we (black folk) under the guidance of Fruit of Islam Brother Barack Obama are planning to do what your ancestors did to us.

Not the case, Black America does not have the testicular fortitude or the evil desire to KILL WHITEY. Thankfully we don’t!

Mr. Hannity, haven’t you determined that we are a forgiving people? We, by the grace of God and with a little naivety, have moved from the seat you sit in. We discovered a long time ago it was not beneficial to be hate-filled. Unlike you, Sean, your hate has consumed you. It has taken over your spirit, and I am not amazed that the networks you work for have not disarmed you. Taking your microphone would not help anyway. There are too many more like you out there. Like your weak pain killer taking friend, Rush!

If I am coming across as hateful, forgive me. I have been listening to hate for eight months, remember?

Each and every time I press 1 on my radio at 4PM Eastern, I get Sean Hannity on 750AM. Your hate seeps through my cheap car speakers. It finds its way into my mental domain. But, I have yet wanted you dead like you appear to want for Barack. I can literally feel your disdain in every word spouted about out next President. It is the level of disgust that boils over when one is about to lose. Lose everything! Lose when one (the white man) is accustomed to winning by any means necessary.

Sean Hannity, I never thought you would look so defeated. You sound so empty. You are pathetic. A sore loser. Where is your loser’s dignity? What a shame. Once respected – but now you are taking yourself to the lowest of lows: ‘Bill Ayers this and Tony Resco that.’ I cannot believe you have allowed yourself to become a broken record. Where is your substance? When you and your Republican cronies have no where else to turn you become hypocrites just like your dead Forefathers e.g. Washington, Jefferson, and including Reagan!

What else do you have to malign Obama besides a so called “friendship with an unrepentant terrorist”? How much longer will you spit Jeremiah Wright flames? Aren’t you tired of trying to connect what cannot be connected?

Desperation has set in. You remind me of a person who has nothing left. Similar to Mike Tyson’s ear biting rage. He was losing and could not deal with it so he behaved like an untamed animal. Sean, you are looking undisciplined. Typically, when one gets to this level of personal disgust he/she is either ready to surrender or to do something additionally stupid. What will it be, Sean?
It’s over. This win is in the bag. Barack Obama some way some how has won over your cousins. The cousins your father’s father would have strung up with the “black apes” just because they displayed some empathy. Remember, Andrew Goodman, the 1964 Freedom Summer Bus Rider? Your friend Ron Savage has a name for these cousins: Ni**er Lovers.

Please don’t kill your cousins, Mr. Hannity. We will need their votes come November 4, 2008 to defeat the big bad war hero. By the way, where I come from one is NOT a hero if one is captured.

You are a Great American, Sean. Just like your slave master kinfolk.

With grace and dignity,

Brian E. Payne

Sean’s Hypocrisy Revealed:

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Let THEM have this one

Come on now, black folk! Let the white man have this one. We all knew if The Juice screwed-up that they would come after him like vicious wolves. We had to know. Even with our secret and boastful support of OJ Simpson we were aware that this time around he was going down. Well, I knew this. You?

I recall the previous day that OJ was found Not Guilty. I was living in Antigua at the time. Antiguans were glued to their radios. I was on a transport, small van designed to seat eight people, but typically for developing countries their were at the least 18 people riding toward St. John’s on this day, the capital city of the island. When the verdict was read the van started to bounce like the Scooby Doo van! Literally, we were bouncing off the ground. The joy that was expressed was surprisingly remarkable. I was feeling elated and I had that feeling you get when you are hoping that something goes your way when in fact you know it should not. That small taste of guilt for feeling the way I did not last long. How could it? I was on a van with my fellow Antiguans singing and banking-heading down a dangerous one lane road!

This morning (Saturday, October 04, 2008) I am not happy. I am disappointed. I am disturbed. My Saturday mood is stained with the vision of OJ getting handcuffs placed around his wrist and him crying. Why am I so distraught? I asked myself that over and over again on my walk to the coffee lounge. When I arrived the answer hit me after I saw my friend standing behind the counter. He was chatting with a customer. A white female who by the way was drinking a beer at 8AM. At that moment my thought process went here:

One of the owners (my friend) of this place is a black man. He on all accounts has fulfilled one of his dreams. He is successful. He is educated. He is loved by all his patrons. However, with all the accolades that I can continue to list about this black man he could have walked out the very same door I walked into this morning last night, and could have been accused of robbing the place. Why? Because he is BLACK.

No, I am not making any excuses for Mr. Simpson or attempting to make white people feel guilty. Not that many would anyway! I am not even ‘supporting’ him on this one. What I am doing is trying to establish a social parallel.

Here is my sleepy attempt:

It does not matter who and/or what you are in America if you are a black man. You are still their n*gger that they will GET if you give them a reason. (Well, slow ya roll Brian, Barack Obama has some how changed countless minds. He does have their liberal support for now – but when they have that moment of alone time behind that voting booth curtain they will have this thought I am CERTAIN: ‘Should I really vote for a black man.’) The photo above could be a snapshot of any black man reading this attempt to express myself. Think about it, all that had to happen to you was something similar to what OJ experienced in Vegas months back. You could have been trying to retrieve something that was stolen from you. For example, I could have tried to get back my cherished and valuable portraits of Muhammad Ali and Fidel Castro from a theft.

Also, it could be a picture of the owner of Lattetude, Antoine McNeal in the silver wrist jewelry. Remember, he was in fact leaving a building late last night (his place of business). Any white or black cop could have thought he was a crook. And, if my boy would have protested he would have what? Been in handcuffs and later in a cell all weekend!

Again, let them have this one. No need to issue a statement of support for OJ Simpson. He is going to jail for the rest of his life regardless of what we say or do. Our energy on this day should be directed toward teaching our young black boys what it means to be a black man in America. Perhaps, if we do this they will not be disappointed like I and other black men were when the white man tried to slap us back into our place.

Written by Brian E. Payne. Inspired by a black man, tears, handcuffs, and white men who place cuffs on black men.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Humility and Demographics at the Laundromat

It has been years since I went to wash clothes at a laundromat. Years! The experience was well worth the time spent this past Sunday morning at Spin Cycle Coin Laundry. I was able to put at least 4 loads of clothes in one machine. It cost me a gallon of gas ($4.25) – but having the ability and option to get four loads done in one washing was pleasing. And, no, the clothes were not mixed colors: whites with darks. It was a dark load. My days of washing clothes like a college student are over!

Speaking of “over”, when will this gas crisis in Georgia completely run its course? As I typed this journal entry I noticed that the gas line down at Kroger’s gas station was popping. Cars were everywhere. Some were idled. Others were being pushed. Running out of gas while in a quarter mile long line trying to get gas is… Well, I am not sure how to characterize that. However, that might be me in a few days.

As I sat there reminiscing about my Saturday mornings at Winston Street laundromat in Thomasville, North Carolina, I noticed that there is a Washington Mutual across the street. Didn’t I read a report that they were ‘going under’? Acquired by JPMorgan Chase? Yes, that’s the bank that prided itself on serving the community. Their intentions for years have been to be the opposite of the locally-based/ big monster banks e.g. Chevy Chase Bank. WaMu actually tried to be there for the average brother and sister. Somewhat like credit unions and unlike those Wall Street crooks.

Back to my experience at Spin Cycle. This is what I witnessed:

*A rude Korean man owns and manages the facility. He can barely speak English – but yet he selects to bark instructions in his limited English. America, the Melting Pot. How about learning to speak some ENGLISH!

*A black mother trying her best to teach her teenage daughter how to wash and fold clothes the RIGHT way. Surprisingly, the teenager was receptive, listening, and learning. There is hope for our children!

*A yuppie looking white man wearing tennis shorts and a Polo shirt looking lost and scared as h*ll. I guess me and the other brother were too much for him: Big and Black!

*A pack of South Americans speaking Guarani loudly. Having no regard for the homeless man who was trying to sleep before the Korean owner noticed him and his Army camouflage bag. He was probably one of America’s unappreciated veterans!

*An African brother who wanted to say hello – but was hesitant to greet me. I wonder why? He was washing his blues, whites, reds, and yellows all together. He knows better than that. Done got to America and abandoned his village up-bringing!

*A grey beard black man riding a bicycle with a six year old on the handlebars. No joke! Guess he did not have any gas. He needs a damn car seat on that bike though!

And, then there was me. A tall dark skin man on a laptop sizing everybody up. Using them for my next annotation. They had no clue I was eavesdropping and staring. They also were unaware that I was relishing in how peaceful and relaxed I felt. How I appreciated having to conduct a chore with them. It was a moment that took me back to my simple days in Dominica (picture attached). It was my moment of humility. But, after time passed all I could think about were those impatient people waiting in their vehicles for gas. The frustration and anger that was displayed was amazing. If there wasn’t someone rudely blowing their horn there was someone yelling, “I was here first!” Sounds like something a kid would say. Right?

These people were grown-ups. Adults behaving like children. Somewhat similar to the way our elected officials behaved last week: ‘No, this bailout plan will work. ‘No, this one will work.’ While these men and women argued over how much money we (tax payers) would have to pay back, some of us have decided to embody the Capitol Hill juvenile antics. I assume running low on gas changes people?

America is not only tinkering on total collapse, it is suddenly and predictably showing its true identity. We, the people, are spoiled, intolerant, and hasty. Accustomed to having it easy. How many of us would be willing or even able to wash clothes like the women in the picture?

We fail to realize that waiting in long lines for gas or for any basic necessity is a regular occurrence in some of the countries that we have the disrespectful audacity to label, Third World. Most Americans with their pompous demeanor can’t conceptualize that we are moving toward what we have labeled as 3rd World. Hondurans, El Salvadorans, Haitians, Rwandans, and many more ‘foreign’ people are sitting back waiting. Waiting on America to respond like a true world leader – but we are proving to them that our strength is hiding behind our bogus sense of security and vainglorious confidence.

At the least we should be able to wait in a line without cursing the traffic attendant. Nope, not too many of us can. When I completed this narrative I thought about if I could have endured 60-90 minutes of waiting to touch a dirty gas pump handle. After a serious self analysis I concluded that I am NOT mentally ready to go get gas.

Written by Brian E. Payne. Inspired by wishing I would have never left Dominica.
My Effort to Point Out what Might not be Fair

If you have a book coming out on January 20, 2009 (Presidential Inauguration Day) that 'highlights' one of the presidential candidates - and you are scheduled to moderate a 'what administration will end-up in the White House' debate; additionally you have somewhat indicated your allegiance to a political party, you may not be the best suited person to moderate the Vice Presidential Debate. Right? Particularly, understanding that the author stands to make millions if her favored candidate is sworn in on the 20th. Or, could I be just biased myself? Paranoid?

What do you think?

Can Gwen Ifill be unbiased?

Written by Brian E. Payne. Inspired by something that can be accomplished/obtained in this world if only we try: FAIRNESS.