Dalton Sherman
Barack Obama is perfect example also. He is everything that exemplifies BEAUTY. Intelligent: Graduated from Harvard. A hard working man: Dedicated his life to service. Inspiring: Draws huge crowds. Articulate: He is a master of the English language and uses it in a way to MOVE the crowd. A parent: Raising two attractive young black girls. Married: A great husband. In a nutshell, Barack Obama has become the American Dream. He has secured it with grace, integrity, humility, and with patience.
But, there is one thing that lingers and typically not associated with the American Dream: He is BLACK.
Last week the entire world was reminded that he carries a stigma. A nasty trait. A defect. He is a black man in America. With all his accolades and accomplishments he will be a Spook in the White House. Yes, this is what he is to millions of white people in the Great United States. Not just the red states either! The stinking corpse-like conscious of America is in every corner of this failing country. Are you surprised by this:
We (black folk) should not have expected anything different. As soon as the losers (Republican Party and their pathetic followers) finally accepted that they are about to take a L (Barack will win – but they will find a way to steal and cheat again) they decided to send a hate-filled reminder to Barack, his loyal white followers, and the rest of the world that he is BLACK. That dreaded and seldom used crayon: “That one”. ‘That one” is typically reserved for describing the unwanted. The useless item or being. Right?
Even in my disdain for this expected behavior from angry John McCain, hollow-head Sarah Palin, and the sell-out for a black man who begged McCain to “stick it to him (Barack)” I concluded a long time ago that Barack Obama would eventually be reattached to his blackness in the late stages of the campaign. What other flaw does he possess at this late stage that sticks? The gorilla in the room (racism) never did go to sleep!!
Nonetheless, with my Black Power disposition, the most disappointing action made by Barack was his decision to somewhat distance himself from his darkness: Black People. Regardless, of what we want to believe we all know Barack Obama was forced to diss black people. He never ‘pandered’ to us. He went to a black church and told white America that black men are dead beats in so many words. Then he tragically disowned and disavowed his pastor of 20 years.
Now, before I get blasted, consider the truth:
He had to do it. It was a must to not appear sympathetic to the black community. No one white likes someone who truly loves black people and who would die for them e.g. Farrakhan, Sharpton, etc. If Obama showed the slightest concern for the black hosiery mill worker he would have been labeled that Russian term: Chyórniy.
Isn’t that ironic? Here is a black man who has done what they (most of white America) wanted so that he could get elected president of this God Awful Country, and now he is what (the color black in countless languages):
In the past few days Barack’s campaign had to air an ad that reinforced his white heritage to appease these back-wood zealots. I guess being part white helps. Isn’t that something?
I really want to ask, who da fool? But, I do realize that question is inappropriate, and probably does not make any sense at the moment considering the election has not occurred. Nevertheless, it is a question Jeremiah Wright and some Black Power heroes are asking and prefacing before they conclude with:
‘I told you so, Barack Obama. They, at their core, hate you because you are black. No other reason. You had to know that abandoning your race was a prerequisite? Or, are you still hoping that you will not be connected to what you are to them?’
Written by Brian E. Payne. Inspired by my prayer:
Dear Lord, regardless of Barack’s skin tone please help those plagued with hatred to see Barack Obama as what he is, The Change We Need. We are counting on you, Jehovah.
Reader Response:
my theory on the evolution of barack obama -
he started this race as a black man, after the primaries some europeans were willing to call him half-white. after he takes office and does a good job, he will be a white man with a deep tan! :-)
as for rev. wright - i think he threw barack under the bus first!!!!! :-)
SM responds to Muata:
wow! i thought i was militant!
Reader Response:
Thank you so much for that clip. That young man inspired me so much; I had to forward it to my oldest daugther and watched it twice with to my yougest daugther. I'm at a total loss for words...WOW!
Reader AE shares an article:
Interesting article. Obama has to be everthing to everybody, all the time.
Reader Response:
hmmm, Brian I think you make some strong points that represent the views of many Blacks. However, as you've acknowledged, we understand why Obama has conducted himself in the way that he has, with regard to the Black community. Let's face it, the 400 pound gorilla (racism) in the room has the microphone now, and in many cases we see it's lips moving, but don't hear a word being said, because the gorilla has been trumped by a economic elephant. That's not a black issue or a white issue, it's an American issue. I'm not at all put off by Obama's perceived lack of interest in Blacks and their issues for the same reasons that you've established below. However, we all know that the agenda that Obama has proposed does indeed help Blacks. Arguably, his propsals disproportionally benefit Blacks/minorities, if you consider percentage of Blacks/Minorities who makes up the "poor, working class".
I say to all of those people who are hurting because Obama appears to have "snubbed" Blacks, GO VOTE!!! Then you can hold him accountable.
Reader Response:
Awesome commentary. I felt proud last week when I cast my vote for Obama. Reminds me of the stanza:
Stony the road we trod, bitter the chastening rod,
Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;
Yet with a steady beat, have not our weary feet,
Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?
When Obama is elected - we will be at that place!!
yo his wgite granny made sure he would always know folk
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