Thursday, February 21, 2008

Who will have the final say?

The more I hear about and research this potentially complex delegate and super delegate scenario I begin to question if we, the American people, truly have an ultimate and final say in our voting process as it was decreed back in 1968 that the people selects the Presidential Nominee. Of course I am aware that our vote during primaries and caucuses does not determine who will be our next president. Nonetheless, I definitely understand that the “will of the people” should be validated and supported by both the Democrat and Republican parties. Considering the more accurate depiction of who the people want in office (the popular vote), no strategically selected figureheads should make the final decision on who will be the Democratic Presidential Nominee. Who are these delegates and super delegates anyway? Why is their say more important than the every day American who is justifiably concerned about their job security?

As I have discovered during my excitement about what America’s new likable celebrity, Barack Obama, has been able to accomplish, his continued whipping of Hilary does not necessary guarantee him the title of 2008 Democratic Presidential Nominee. I knew it was too good to be true! In light of this fact, we, those of us who care, are now sitting on the edge of our seats wondering if our political system will honor the Obama Revolution after the peoples’ votes are tallied at the Democratic National Convention. Will those highly prestigious persons given the title of Super Delegate listen to the roar of A Change We Can Believe In? Will they? Or, will they side with what they think is best for the party: An almost defeated Hilary Clinton?

It is obvious the Clinton Machine is desperate at this juncture. They just cannot win anywhere! The slinging of what they perceive to be dirt on Barack Obama will intensify as long as the people continue to support him with the one thing we all should cherish. Our vote. Holding it to heart has always been important. Both black and white people died for today’s blacks to exercise this right. Yeah, you have heard that before. You have heard this before too: There is no reason for us (black folk) not to take part in America’s electoral process. And, the new justification for our vote has been blurted from every corner of the United States too: If we are only voting because Barack is black we are in an essence defying and disrespecting the true meaning and purpose of voting.

All of this tired and unconvincing discourse only to say that our vote should mean something to us; and trivializing it to he is black is shallow. And, it is more than likely something Obama does not want us to do. But, with all the emphasis placed on black people to vote and how we should vote, I am wondering why is it publicly acceptable for white and a few black republicans to declare that they are not going to vote this time around because they do not like Mr. McCain? Could it be because their (white folks and/or most republicans) history is not the same as ours? Basically indicating, the only reason black people should vote is because great grandma was once denied the right to vote. What if the majority of black democrats today were in a position to proudly broadcast to the world that they are not going to vote because they do not like man-tendency Hilary and preacher-like Barack. Would there be a backlash? Of course it would. We would be called fools, and we would be accused of being shiftless and ignorant of the issues at hand.

Apparently, there is a double standard floating around out there in the political atmosphere: If a white person decides not to support (vote this election) the shoe-in for the Republican Nomination, John McCain, it is quite alright – but if a black person does not vote he/she is a pathetic loser, and in affect spitting in the face of Chicken George. Help me understand this blatant contrasting principle.

Should we (black people) do a turnaround if the Super Delegates trump the will of the people? Should we throw our support behind Hilary Clinton when and if these big shots defy America’s elderly, young, poor, wealthy, educated, and uneducated backers of Barack? Or, should we do what countless Republicans are saying that they are going to do: Not vote because they do not like their candidate? No, blacks will not do this. We will vote because it appears we NOW understand the significance of the vote even if it is for this unlikable Clinton.

Could America’s descendants of salves be coming out in droves because Barack is black, or is it because we are FINALLY realizing voting is critical? I believe Barack Obama, as he tries to defeat Hilary Clinton, has effectively inspired African Americans to value that right that was gained with Kizzy’s blood.

Election and Delegate 101:

Written by Muata. Inspired by the possibility of the people’s voice being silenced by a tool to quell revolution/change.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

When is judging appropriate?

We spend a significant amount of our time trying not to be judgmental. We also spend seconds and minutes self-righteously judging the behavior of others. If it does not resemble the delicate and inconsistent morals we have so carefully formed over the years we begin to get uncomfortable with the person we have decided to judge. On occasion that individual who has more than likely made a bad decision, which in many cases is a similar decision we have made, becomes the target of our non Christ-like criticism and judgment (John 12:47). We even at times remove this individual from our cell phone and BlackBerry contacts. This indicating that our new former associate has done something that does not fit into the righteousness of our Christian assembled moral compass. Is the judgment applied to this individual appropriate? Is it right?

On several occasions I have conveyed to my boys that it is quite alright to judge me. I have let them know that judging me with compassion is acceptable. I have no issue with it at all! Some have asked, ‘why in the world are you okay with this level of scrutiny from men who probably made the same mistake you have made? Well, that’s why. Who is in a better seat to judge me than the men who have been where I was? When I was in self-inflicted trouble or when I did something that is easily defined as stupid, I needed friends to tell me that I was WRONG with a seed of judgment. I definitely did not need a friend who would skirt around what really needed to be said all in a scriptural effort not to appear judgmental. I believe that there are entirely too many of those types of friends within the ranks of friendships: Those who never lovingly reprimand a friend with the truth about their idiotic decisions.

Inconsequently, it does not surprise me that this nation has a complexity with judgment {even when a person like myself has no issue with being judged} considering the foundation of this hypocritical nation is founded upon the principles of Christianity. Christianity is looted with judgment. Its main character, God, was and to some remains to be a judger of behavior and actions. He has found it necessary to judge in His effort to ‘bring’ people to Him. What other way does He discriminate?

According to the Bible so many of us confidently refer to, Jesus does not approve of us judging others (Matthew 7: 1-5), but on the other hand this Father of ours has ruthlessly judged men and women since the beginning of time. All of His judgment is based on His expectations of right and wrong. If you do right in this life you are guaranteed a spot in His heaven – but if you do wrong and do not repent your path to hell is already trail blazed. The only way this afterlife concept is applied successfully is through judgment. And yet, we are all up in arms when someone does something that this nation’s religion has sanctioned: JUDGE.

I can hear those ready to attack, ‘Muata, what about that bible scripture that says we should not be judgmental?’ There we go again referring to a source that supports what we were told to believe during bible study while failing to understand that verse and all the others were written by men to account for or justify their actions. Which is perfect justification for the biblical contradictions. Including this one: Jesus snubs judgment while it is a functionality within God’s DNA. But, He is God. Therefore, it should be okay? Who should we emulate? The Father or the Son?

I am in agreement that Matthew 7:1-5 is a pretty decent standard to live by. However, how much longer should we be non-judgmentally silent when we know that some behaviors and actions are not appropriate for civilization and/or humanity? Should we continue to become a Culture of Silence while the world crumbles around us? Can we find an effective way to tell someone that they are wrong without being immediately told: You are judging me. Unfortunately, when the judgment accusation is leveled the opportunity to help each other rectify behavior that will be judged one day by God (supposedly) is lost - resulting in us avoiding what is critical for this world: Compassionate Judgment that does not Condemn.

And, if we really want to dissect Matthew 7:1-5 please take a long analyzing look at the following:

Don't judge others, or you will be judged. You will be judged in the same way that you judge others, and the amount you give to others will be given to you.

This is verse 1 and 2 of the text we are dissecting. After reading chapter 7 of Matthew, I have determined that this excessively quoted scripture and complete chapter is addressing the one thing we also fail to do effectively: Hold each other accountable.

Written by Muata. Inspired by me finally admitting that I am guilty of judging our fellowman.