That was my initial response – but of course I had to add more:
Satan? A devil? Really?
Perhaps you have created a negative force to justify the positive force: God.
Perhaps you have to have a reason for the countless injustices that occur around the world.
Perhaps you falsely believe in a literal interpretation of the bible e.g. Fallen Angel (Isaiah 14:3-14:20). Where did this Lucifer fall from? Story of Lucifer Such a ridiculous story!
To agree/believe that there is a devil gives credence to our inability to understand our devilish defects/actions.
Were the men and women who participated in the violent enforcement of slavery on North American soil devils?
Were the men who used water hoses and German Shepherds to disperse non-violent crowds back in the 60's devils?
Are the black African men who savaged-ly prance around African countries promoting and initiating genocide devils?
Are child molesters devils?http://extras.mnginteractive.com/live/media/site36/2005/0814/20050814_034738_0814revwhite.jpg
I believe humans have attached a definition to a devil/satan, and humans have consciously and subconsciously acted accordingly.
So, a Satan/Devil does not exist. Devilish people do.
Tempers Flare at Debate on the Devil - ABC News
Tempers Flare at Debate on the Devil - ABC News
Shared by Brian E. Payne.
Reader Response:
yes he does.. if you believe in Christ and God and the Bible, you would have to also believe that there is a devil and that he has demons.. i work for one of his fleshly demons.
i am not sure where u are going witih this but if you want to expound and to give you scriptural backing, please let me know.
Muata responds to LTB:
Which one (Christ, God, or Satan) has ultimate power? Who runnin' dis shyt?
It will be interesting to see if we can continue this discussion without using biblical scripture. Using it as justification will only end the discussion with:
The Bible Says So, So I Believe.
Such a weak way to support a point/position/opinion.
A few questions to add to da mix:
"So who is Satan? Satan is supposedly a powerful, supernatural being created by God. God intended Satan to be good. Yet Satan turned evil. How is it possible that God--from whom only good things come--created a supernatural being that turned evil?"
"Say that God did create this supernatural being that turned evil. How is it possible that an omniscient God would not know that Satan would turn evil?"
"Some have said that Satan's turning evil was known, and taken into account in God's long-term plan. But why would an all-good God need an evil Satan in His long-term plans?"
"So what if God didn't know that Satan would turn evil? Wouldn't that mean that God is not omniscient?"
Reader responds to Muata's questions:
"So who is Satan? Satan is supposedly a powerful, supernatural being created by God. God intended Satan to be good. Yet Satan turned evil. How is it possible that God--from whom only good things come--created a supernatural being that turned evil?"
Satan is not a robot. He has a will and he willed himself to go against GOD and he desired GOD's place in heaven. The seat was not open for his taking he only turned into opposition.
"Say that God did create this supernatural being that turned evil. How is it possible that an omniscient God would not know that Satan would turn evil?"
"Some have said that Satan's turning evil was known, and taken into account in God's long-term plan. But why would an all-good God need an evil Satan in His long-term plans?"
I don't know if human logic can fathom the plannings of an Almighty GOD. I would suppose we would just have to wait to see what becomes of your theory. God does not need Satan for his plans.... He uses Satan plots against humanity for his plans.
"So what if God didn't know that Satan would turn evil? Wouldn't that mean that God is not omniscient?"
But GOD did know... I guess the question is why didn't he stop him or why did he even create him. We could go on with why did GOD do a lot of things that we don't have answers to.
GOD has a purpose for everything and just because we want all the answers right now means absolutely nothing.
Let's all use our Howard molded minds here. This stuff about a Satan does not add up. It does not add up about God either, AND WE KNOW IT. Just too punkish to admit that the concept of God is ludicrous.
I would like to think that my openly being able to admit my need for GOD in the kind of age we are in is revolutionary and refreshing.... Thank you JESUS! If you have come face to face with demons only then do you understand the power of a living GOD. A real encounter makes a vast difference.
Muata responds to O:
"He uses Satan plots against humanity for his plans."
So, God dwells in trickery?
Why is he 'using' Satan to make His points? What is the point when He supposedly knows the outcome? Is this God a gamester?
If you do not mind me asking, please tell me your definition of a demon?
Reader O responds to Muata:
GOD does not have to engage in trickery as a matter of fact it is of course not in GOD's nature to do so.
I think what you are missing is that we can't use human logic to define spiritual things.
GOD created man for fellowship.
He wanted fellowship and did not wanted control of that relationship with mankind.
He wanted a free will relationship with us.
Mankind fell from the graces of perfect relationship with Him.
GOD had a plan from the beginning to save mankind that would not contradict his own rules.
No tricks.
Jesus was solution from the very beginning so the solution was/is believe Jesus enter back into that relationship.
The point about Satan is this.....sometimes, unfortunately it is not until the enemy(Satan and his demon(fallen angels) oppress humans that humans reach back out to GOD who can save an deliver us from every oppression of the enemy.
If you don't need cool... I happen to need what GOD has offered me through Christ Jesus.
Reader response:
... I think the concept of something beyond your control manipulating you to do evil is a dangerous notion inherently...
Reader Response:
I would guess like all of our religions that Satan is probably some type of metamorphosized figure that probably has its roots in Pagan, Greek, Egyptian, legends or stories. As it was back in the day, when cultures conquered other cultures local religions were either totally destroyed or bits of it were combined with the conquering cultures religion. I have no doubt Satan went through a similar phase.
As Deepak said in the video, we live in a world of duality. There’s an up and down. There’s a left and right; Male and female; Good and evil. We need the one to be able to know and experience the other. Without bad, how do you know something is good? If there is a Christ then what’s his opposite? The anti-christ. In our minds we need to have a duality its how we understand things. On top of that we need to put a picture on it. It’s how our feeble minds work. So we created an image that would help us understand what this anti-christ was.
Ask a Greek a thousand years ago was there a such thing as the Poisedon or Zeus? And they surely would tell you yes. And if you didn’t believe they would burn you at the stake. Ask an Egyptian back then if there was a such thing as Ma’at and they to would tell you…absolutely. Today we look at them as myths, false Gods, maybe even idols. We look at them and say how could they be so silly and believe in something called Medusa? Boy did those Greeks and Egyptians have active imaginations. But to them it was as real. And there is nothing you could have said to convince them otherwise. It’s the same today. Satan is real to most. And there’s nothing you can say to change their minds.
I imagine a thousand or so years from now. People will look back at us and say. Wow they believed in some red dude with a pitch fork and horns. They’ll probably chuckle and say the same thing…silly people.
Muata responds to BW:
I wonder if we 'need' a Satan to exist so that we can believe there is a Christ/God. Just thinking. Your response generated that question.
BW responds to Muata:
I wouldn't necessarily describe it that way. We don't need Satan to believe that Christ/God exist. However, some would argue that we need Satan to exist to experience or prove the "glory" of God. Satan provides an opportunity for God to show his love, mercy, his benevolence, etc. But I guess I can see the point. I guess its two sides of the same coin. Do we need "left" to prove "right" exist? Or are the two in a sort of divine relationship. Hmmm...???
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