Well, I was trying to have an uneventful night with my son, Judah. We decided to watch a little television. Something funny - but well within the decent category. We found some show on the Disney Network. I typically do not care for him to watch the 'kid friendly' stations for several reasons. One being: behaviors that I do not agree with are promoted and condoned. Like cross dressing and boys acting like girls. Yeah, I now 'minor'. But, I have had the unwanted task of explaining to my son why two men were French kissing out in public at the infamous Lenox Mall in Atlanta a year or so ago. Anyway, while we watched television Judah and I got excited when we noticed that Sponge Bob was featured in a new Burger King commercial. Sadly, Judah's excitement dwindled when we watched the following (link below - extended version).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5X4TSbGreAHe was so disappointed.
On both occasions (the gay kiss and the bouncing butts), Judah said to me, "Dad, that is not appropriate."
What are your thoughts about the commercial?
Written by Brian E. Payne.
Reader Response:
this is crap - why is sex used to sell EVERYTHING! i thought sponge bob was for children - - and perhaps they want to correctly identify the shape - as in rectangle as opposed to square - that their bouncing around. :-(
Reader Response:
I don't think that Sponge Bob is for Kids. The show is inappropriate and our kids aren't allowed to watch it. A lot of these kids shows and cartoons are inappropriate just like this commercial.
You have to believe that the people making these shows and commercials don't have kids. If they do/did, would this be the type of things that they let their kids watch?
Muata responds:
America lost its ability to be the moral police years ago. The more liberial we become the more loose we become.
It is unfortunate that producers/writers have taken the abyss turn. There is no turning back now. Somewhere someone likes this commercial, and think it is okay for their kids mental consumption. I am tired of it: SEX, SEX...everywhere. I have been forced to have conversations that I believed Judah was not ready for as a result of foolishness like this. Where are our convictions? Well, some of us still have them: Hear about the Miss. USA contestant? She actually stood her ground on a 'touchy' topic:
"We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage," Prejean said. "And you know what, I think in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised."
She lost. NC represented with a victory!
Reader Response:
I was just looking at Bill O'Reilly at 8-9pm with this same video. He played it, and off course they discussed how INAPPROPRIATE IT IS! The tune comes from big butts from the ole school song, and has visual connotations for our kids to associate woman with big butts, but the kids may not know the older song. However, it is still not appropriate anyway. Shame on Burger King!
Reader Response:
Judah is so smart. Your son is very analytical and sees the propaganda. Wow! Go, Judah! Smart, like dad-YOU!
Reader Response:
my "kid" is almost 30, and i don't watch these shows, but have seen them advertised and seen the products in the stores and thought they were marketing for children - obviously i didn't pay close attention.
either way, i think the commercial is inappropriate for public broadcasting - i am so tired of seeing "SEX" on the boob tube - i don't care if its hetero or homo - keep it in the bedroom at home! :-)
i would not have believed a few years ago i would be feeling like this, but there don't seem to be any boundaries anymore, and i am SICK AND TIRED of seeing T, A, & D all over the place!!!!
Reader Response:
I agree, my son is older, now but I never allowed him to watch Sponge Bob. The producers want the shows to appear as though they are for kids by having them animated, but they are not. Like the Shriek movie, it was not for kids.
And Judah is a smart young man!
Remember What is Important
Reader Response:
Because I intend to end my night on a peaceful note, I will not watch the video. Besides, your son has told me what I need to know, and I must say he is intelligent beyond his years because he can already see the fallacy in the whole thing.
A few things about me for the record:
I do not condone acts of homosexuality;
I do not identify with those who practice acts of homosexuality who believe it should be worn as a badge of honor, acceptance and and a definition of who they are--base, sexual beings who rarely look beyond their sexual needs and wish to force-feed acceptance of those needs to the greater public;
I do not engage in debates about homosexuality with the exception that it cannot and does not produce life, because it is a death style, not a lifestyle--totally incapable of producing life; and
I definitely do not condone the immoral Amerikkan way of presenting it to our children with no warning--which is what happens when they watch the degenerate and endless stream of valueless crap that comes out of the idiot box.
Now, you might not agree with me on this one, but like the white chick who lost the Miss USA crown--I think it was--I have to speak the truth of my convictions. This country, because of its immorality, is in a systemic collapse. The values were gone long ago, the minute the european brought his sick and demented cultures to this soil.
Reader Response:
...as if you didn't know that spongebob & patrick have some type of strange relationship...anyway, sounds like you have done an exemplary job of raising your child...you may also take note that many so-called children's programs have mature content and occasionally slide in all kind of references-remember ren & stimpy?...just make sure that you keep your young'n on tha straight and narrow by watching what he watches...tv is a major influence on young minds...and it's all geared to SELL STUFF...many times the stuff they try to sell cannot be sold- morality, self esteem and resprect for others...
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