By now you have heard or read about some blonde chick standing up for her beliefs. In the recent past, we have heard some quite ignorant responses to the questions bias judges ask during beauty pageants. At least in this particular case, Miss California did something that is becoming a rarity: she told an unfiltered truth. She was not responding with the restraints that political correctness unfortunately produces. Miss California spoke her conscious, not what she thought would get her a prestigious title that many will forget about ten years from now. Instead, Carrie Prejean will be remembered because she stood her ground. She did not succumb to the PC-ness t hat has polluted honesty and integrity. I commend her, and condemn this fat gay guy who does nothing to advance the gay cause in America, Perez Hilton. His type of over the top flamboyancy typically hinders, and not advances. Who is this guy anyway? He can’t be the new spokesperson for Homosexuality in America. If he is…I now see why the ‘movement’ is leaderless and off-course.
While speaking of the course, Americans need to stop pretending that same sex marriage is a natural phenomena. It is not, and we KNOW it. But, what we have selected to do is unleash ‘un-definition’ within the ranks of established morals and values. We are pathetically willing to accept whatever makes us feel good. What’s easier. What does not hold us accountable. In all of this irresponsible liberalism, what we are approaching is complete cultural/societal disarray.
What will our kids recognize about what made America ‘decent’ at one time? Family is what we once could count on to uplift us, teach us, mold us, and ultimately make us feel a sense of security. What we have exchanged for this is not reflective of what some say God wanted:
Same sex marriage is not within that confine. It is, actually, out of order.
The other opinion:
Miss California: An Unpopular Answer or a Bad Answer? Nsenga ...
I definitely welcome yours.
Written by Brian E. Payne.
Reader Response:
I stand firmly with you on this one, B. It's about time somebody spoke to the ridiculousness of those who practice homosexuality being able to prance around, defined mostly by their sexuality, trying to make everybody else feel a sense of guilt because they don't condone their way of life and aren't afraid to admit it. That makes them no better than someone who tries to force you to feel the pain of the so-called jews, knowing full damn well that nobody cares about the continuing pain of the black man and woman around the world--not even the "President" of the United Snakes.
Reader Response:
I'm with you on this!
glad i missed nothing lol
Reader response:
I see nothing wrong with gay people wanting to marry. My cousin is gay and I have seen more healthy relationships with then than with some heteros. I say live and let live. THere are heteros that CANNOT be fruitful and multiply, so I dont see the big deal in gays that obviously cannot...unless they buy sperm...which some heterosexual females have done on their own as well. People are too hung up on labels. I don't care what you are...as long as you treat me and mines right...you are ok with me.
Muata responds to CG:
I perfectly understand that two people of the same sex can be in love and devoted to each other. However, I am of the belief that this nation is losing its 'definitions' in too many areas. The boundaries are blurred. Our children are growing up in a culture that has no regard for traditionalism. By the way, this tradition worked for this country and others at one time quite effectively. Problems appear to began when we moved away from the base. We have left home!
Same sex marriage is not a natural occurrence. We all know this - but we are busy with being PC, open, and accepting. All three good acts, I must say...well, to some degree. Nonetheless, I want my children to witness what once made this nation family structure strong, decent, and acceptable by the masses.
Two women getting married may be a blissful union. But, I ask, does this union naturally produce? Does it adhere to the biology of procreation?
We are moving beyond specific formalities that have identified normalcy.
I just can't get with it. It is not something I look forward to explaining to my children regardless of the love it may possess. I would rather point to a loving heterosexual couple that 'owns' that fantastic element we all search for: Love. It's out there.
Are we so empty, disgusted with the opposite sex that we move in that unnatural direction seeking what we could not get to work over on the normal side of the house?
I guess we now will look toward homosexual relationships to identify us, to provide us a good example, to teach us how to love?
What has this nation become if we cannot honor and cherish what some believe God wanted?
Reader response:
CG's post reflects the opinion of a growing and increasingly more vocal number of citizens on this topic. I like Corrine as a BRU buddy, and I am not attacking her personally but questioning the logic by which she has based her conclusions.
Brian also challenged these conclusions in his post when he said-
…this nation is losing its 'definitions' in too many areas. The boundaries are blurred. Our children are growing up in a culture that has no regard for traditionalism. By the way, this tradition worked for this country and others at one time quite effectively. Problems appear to begin when we moved away from the base…
Interestingly, the Bible says it this way-
Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set (Proverbs 22:28).
Reader TJW responds:
As a social worker, I have been studying and considering how this coming social “revolution” will affect children and families. It is pretty clear from developments in Iowa, Vermont, California and other states that same-sex marriage in some form will be a reality in America sooner rather than later. But then what? I made posts about some of these same issues in other threads and I must say that I do not believe the future bodes well for us as we undertake this next experiment with the social fabric of human societies. The truth is that we really do not know what we are creating and how we are going to make sense of the results…but it seems clear to me from the examples listed above is what we are really creating are not families but chaos.
Muata responds to TJW:
I believe that this "social revolution" is irresponsible. I believe those partaking in it are forgetting about the ramifications it will have especially on youth. Can't we see that we are confusing them? Notice the behavior of some? All a result of adults trying to 'please' themselves. Selfish, self-centered, and again IRRESPONSIBLE.
Reader CG responds:
I guess all I am saying is that my cousin is gay and I love him very much. I respect his choices just like I expect him to respect my heterosexuality...I love men and that aint gonna change...he loves men too and that aint gonna change. I really believe that if a person is not infringing on my belief system, than I should not infringe on thiers. As a scientist, I believe some people are genetically predisposed to being gay...some choose to be..... Think about it...for heterosexuals, you cannot change them to be other than what they are. I love my cousin very much and I would go off on any family member that has something to say about it....when and if he decides to come "Out" I would trust him with my life. It is unfortunate that I am the only family member he can talk to about this.
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