If someone asked me if I like Rush Limbaugh I would not be able to respond with the answer one may receive if the average into politics black man who knows of him would respond:
Hell, no! Of course, I have asked myself why. The only reason I have to be ‘undecided’ on Rush is because he reminds me of plenty black men throughout history who are/were outspoken, defiant, and conservative. I am aware that Limbaugh will make some ‘questionable’ comments at times – but the same black men I am referring to have been known to say what they mean without any apologetic remorse. These men are radically truculent, and they have generated a massive following over the years. One of these men is the Honorable Louis Farrakhan
(Beloved by me). While Rush and Louis come from two completely different backgrounds, I must admit that they incite identical feelings: Contempt. With the “repugnance” Rush breeds, he is also heard by over
20 million people every day. Now, that’s a lot of folk!
Does Limbaugh really want President Obama to fail or President Obama’s socialist agenda?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgKCWt7jrrc“Rush is neither a patriot nor a traitor for wanting Barack Obama to fail.”
http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/opinion/todaysbuzz/tuesday/sfl-0303buzz-stein-limbaugh,0,5470874.htmlstory“America needs a regime change…you have to uproot what’s under the government of the United States of America, or the American people will never have what the Constitution guarantees.”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38I55mZuSOYShared by Brian E. Payne.
Reader Response:
Not sure if you are aware of this but no matter what the issue is, you seem to often waiver in your support of white folk who CLEARLY HATE black people - like Rush. The reality is that REGARDLESS of who is talking positive. If they are BLACK - Rush has an issue. He has shown his racist attitude for decades. There is NOTHING to agree with him about because if the COLOR of the leader changes - then so would Rush's comments and opinions.
Why do you allow yourself to even GO there in thoughts of supporting Rush. HE HATES YOU and anyone CLOSE to your shade - your sons, family, black friends, all of US! THere is no logic in his make-up of person. The only reason he got the air time he did recently is because so many white folk who have media pull wanted SOMEONE to say the racist garbage they don't have the guts to say for themselves.
This country is so racist that it is pitiful. It took POVERTY, LOSS OF JOBS and a real FEAR of life falling apart for folk to take a minute and seek anything new and hopeful - that person just happen to be black this time. No one could look at McCain and actually believe he would understand their poverty in podunk USA. Smile.
To be honest, I am SICK of people like Rush who are afraid of life, who are intimidated by other's skin color and who hate the color of their skin. Get some counseling since he obviously don
't know or want to know Jesus.
Thanks for listening. I guess my original question is the same - why do you even allow yourself to support or be open to someone who would rather see your own sons die and fail before he would offer them help or hope.
-Rev. Jennifer
Muata responds to Rev. Jennifer:
Reverend Jennifer-
Ease up. Pump ya brakes. I love black people...I am just one to air our dirty laundry and highlight our hypocrisy.
I consider myself a commentator who makes every attempt to see both sides. This time around and lately I have been trying to analyze the other side. They all are not racist. I believe at times we (black folk) mistake conservatism as racism. I have not convicted Rush as a racist. However, he has said some things before that can lead one to believe that he is. Many of his points are valid, and MOST of them are harsh criticisms of the government. That's where I side with him. He is right when he says that the present state of our government is in shambles. He said this when Bush was in office. He is no different from Harry Reid openly saying that he wanted Bush to fail (primarily referring to the Iraq war). So, I stand with him on the governmental criticism he has been able to articulate. I am open to receiving his points on that. Now, I love Farrakhan - but he is a man who has stood by ideas and his very own opinions that can be viewed as racist. Nonetheless, I stand with him. I wonder if my white friends and some black question my allegiance to him? If they do I don't care because The Minister is the essence of what I respect: He will not let America off the hook. Rush is doing the same...to some degree. But, do I like him...still trying to figure that out. I will be honest; I am attracted to his forcefulness on social and politic issues. He has a darn good take on them.
Reader Response:
brian -
i can understood disagreeing with the government - i have and continue to do so - i can understand wanting things done your way - i have and continue to want same - - -
rush limbaugh is gett ing paid an outrageous sum of money to spew filth and hate as an entertainer. he doesn't give a damn about the people who listen to him.
if he, and other's who appear to be vehemently opposed to obama's administration and the way it is governing would offer realistic solutions instead of simply naysaying and repeating old party lines that have already proven to be failures, they would have some credibility.
the citizens of this country who listen to this unproductive crap are no different than blacks begging for slavery to be reenacted in my opinion - - continuing to vote against themselves for the benefit of crude, rude, loudmouthed individuals with a lot of personal $$, and not a whole lot of compassion for the "rest" of the world, and that includes their fellow u.s. citizens.
Muata responds to SM:
What are your opinions on Malcolm X, Ellijah Muhammad, and Louis Farrakhan? In no way am I comparing Rush to them - but the men I listed, all of which I RESPECT and HONOR, have been accused of "spewing filth and hate".
SM responds to Muata:
the black men you listed are/were fighting for equal rights denied them by the color of their skin (although in my opinion elijah had his own agenda and farrakhan spent his early years trying to tear down malcolm and i believe instigated against him until he was killed).
rush is just spewing fighting words - where in any of the filth he has spewed have you read about a viable solution?
each of the black men you listed from my recollection did have a plan - and they worked it.
rush works his mouth.
and each of the black men you mentioned would probably "roll over in their graves" to be compared - in any way - with that bag of drug addicted choking air.
i must say i agree with jennifer's comments that in your writings you seem to lean toward those who clearly don't have the best interests of people of color in their heart - - first the revisionist history regarding bush, now defense of rush - - -
my people annoy, frustrate and at times bring me to tears. BUT - i'm very clear that rush, and those of his ilk only have their best interests at heart, and clearly could give a rat's arse about the majority of the citizens of this country, let alone the world - - and honestly i don't think the color of the skin is the biggest turnoff for them - as rush said himself in the last day or two, he is convinced that obama is trying to change the class system in this country - i could swear leaving britain was about leaving the class system behind - and the financial top 1 or 2% in this country will not stand for that - hence the spewing of filthy, untruthful, hate.
Muata responds to SM:
All I am doing is encouraging productive dialogue. For it to be productive both sides have to be examined. It also serves as my way of pointing out black hypocrisy. Here we are, critical of Rush - but speak the same language he does...at times.
No comparison was made. I tried to paint two pictures that have similarities. For example, The Minister called white people devils publicly. I was in the Nation. I heard him personally, and he has a point when speaking of the devil historically. Now, let's say that Rush has made references that demean black people or equate blacks to idiots...See where I am going?
Rush's solution is based in conservatism, and not liberalism. It is the opposite of our President's agenda. That's Rush's answer. It has been easy for people to ask one to interject solutions. Like the solutions we are hearing today are the answers. How can they be the answers when they are in total opposition for the way this country works: capitalism? Not that I support capitalism. I am a man of the people - but the new socialist agenda cannot defeat the monster, capitalism IMO. I want it to - but I know it can't happen under the present state. Americans are not ready to give it all up so that America can be what the constitution mandates. We ain't ready!
My blog is a great representation of my writing diversity. I lean toward what can get us to think. I must say that too many Americans are not. Just look around. I say this with humi lity and from what I have observed.
Thanks for your input. I ALWAYS appreciate it!
Reader Response:
I find it interesting that people can dislike Rush but like Farrakhan and Wright. I also find it interesting that Eldridge Cleaver and Huey Newton ran a campaign for Cleaver and won 30,000 votes when they scared the hell out of white people and even some black people. They didn't preach hate nor does Rush. But the difference between them all that is important is that their races.
We can't tolerate Rush and Imus because they might point out things that make us uncomfortable but we give Wright a pass for his "cookout" conversation. We give our friends a pass when they make racist and hateful remarks about white folks and other races. People amaze me. They want freedom of speech but then they want to get so easily of fended when someone makes a comment they aren comfy with but they excuse members of their own race when they do it.
Rush represents as small portion of the country. He has very supportive followers as the article says. He only seems to represent the republican majority because they lost their identity and true conservatives are just keeping quiet at the moment. Rush is harmless. He knows that moderate mumbo jumbo doesn't sell advertisements. If you like Bill Maher it's because you agree with his politics. But he has a total disregard for religion and he makes some outrageous statements but he isn't hated because its popular to be on his side these days.
Rush is simply a smart guy that knows where his true following lies. He has some issues but hateful? If you think he hates black people then you have to use the same logic and think that Farrakhan hates whites and Jews as well as Wright.
At the end of the day America needs Rush. We need people so far to the right that they make you sick with their religion and their hatred of gays and social justice. We need people like Cleaver and Newton who were so far to the left that they carried Mao's red book with them and read it before they slept each night. This is what this great country was founded on. Freedom of speech and diversity of opinion. The problem with people is that they don't know how to agree to disagree.20Rush doesn't bother me because I already know that he is putting on a show for people less intelligent than he is. He found his market and to stay relevant he has to trash Obama.
Muata responds to LS:
Well. I agree, LS... But, I love me some Farrakhan! I like Wright too.
By the way, Rush has a huge following: 20 million and 600 radio stations air him. He is a voice that is desired. I have not said that I like him - but he is liked by many. And, I am not ready to say that all those folk are ignorant/weak-minded. Well, if they are fanatical Christians I might be ready to blast them to the land of ignorance...
Reader Response:
I've listened to Rush for years and honestly like his approach. However I don't agree with every word but if you listen he has factual points supported by allot of evidence.
Muata responds to RS:
I have listened to him too. I believe he has been demonized by people who disagree with him. He can be considered mean-spirited- but his points are usually on point. Those who do not like Rush on this email thread more than likely have not really listened to him because of what they believe he represents. This does not mean I am going to hang a picture of him in my home.
RS, I have said for years that many blacks are hypocrites: Will lovingly support a black radical e.g. Louis Farrakhan (have I told you that I LOVE this man) - but will spit on men like Rush. They have been similar in their rhetoric. Just on different sides.
Reader LS responds:
We can tolerate the people we agree with saying ignorant things about the people we oppose. We can tolerate our family members doing so. Why not Rush? He is putting on a show. I can't stand him. But he has a right to speak his mind and 2million people listen.
Reader SM responds to LS:
yes, he does have a right to speak his mind - - so did hitler. :-)
when you have congressman, representatives, party leaders and their ilk running behind rush to lick his arse and apologize for comments that were honest, and truthful - huston we have a PROBLEM.
this is becoming much more serious than tolerating the ignorance of another - - imo.
Reader SM responds to Muata:
i didn't agree with elijah using god to preach white people are devils - even if i believe some are (yes, i also believe devils have melanin - for me its more a human condition, than a color, ethnic or cultural condition) -- and when malcolm visited mecca and saw caucasians praying as he was he came back with a more enlightened attitude and was killed (imo) by his own.
i do agree you have to look at all sides of an equation (and there are always more than 2), however i believe rush is disingenuous and his comments have more to do with keeping the status quo for a few, than truly wanting america to be a proud, respected, trusted ally to its own citizens and the world. he, and his ilk (imo) would prefer to control it as they see fit without regard for the majority, and as we have already seen (imo) that's not a pretty place for most of us.
keep them coming - i enjoy the back and forth with you, and i always have to think, and rethink after reading your comments. nothing wrong with that!
peace & blessings,
Reader Response:
You seem really proactive about Rush L., Sean H. and the various pitfalls of the Black Mega church. Hope self hate doesn't distort the rosey glasses. It seems more criminal acts occur w/ Rush's pill poppin and J. Baker's fraud.
Muata responds to LGLW:
No, I love me some me. No self hate here. Just sharing and encouraging conversation.
We are quick to point out Rush's "pill poppin' saga. And, I do not make any excuses for him - but the man is a voice that's galvanizing many. Are these people all clueless? Dumb whites? I cannot say that...all I can highlight is his ability to gain control of the conservative moment when others have failed. I am curious as of why he has been so successfull. And, by the way, I cannot regulate his success to the ability to entertain.
Reader LSLW respods to Muata:
Lovin self is a good thing, Brian. I just hope that we, as a community, focus our energies on the positives much moreso than the negatives. Many experts and some other reference pieces say that humans spend 95% of their time on negatives and 5% on positives. Be the leader that concentrates on the positives and let other misguided, misesducated folks deprive themselves of pleasures and knowledge by highlighting negatives. Peace peeps!
Muata responds to LGLW:
The positives are healthy for our souls. That's a definite.
On occasion we have to highlight the negatives in which I call realities so that we can begin to concentrate on making that change. The change that's needed.
I believe humans have the tendency to get TOO comfortable. Too satisfied. I also believe that many of us (black folk) have fallen into this mode: complacency. We left the struggle when it was not over. We got satisfied when this government of ours decided to allow us to drink from the same water fountain as white folk. And, now I am afraid that with a black president we will sit back for the long term. Not me!
I am not pleased with this. We have more to do.
Finally, we have to acknowledge that we have been hypocrites. Loving and glorifying this and that, and certain black people - but then get offended when someone of another pigmentation purports what THEY (some white folk) have represented for years.
We are moving forward. However, I desire honesty, transparency, accountability, and personal responsibility. I expect more from me and our people! Those before us (the ancestors) are not statisfied...
-Brian E. Payne
*Tavis is still on the job. Ready and prepared to address Accountability:
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