Let me begin by listing what I believe to be accomplishments from our President in his First 50 Days:
*Closed that God forsaken prison camp in Cuba.
*Began his brand of diplomacy in the Middle East. Actually, promoting a Palestinian state.
*Began his brand of diplomacy in the Middle East. Actually, promoting a Palestinian state.
*Intends to revamp the educational system. He really has a plan!!!
*Has begun to explore ideas that may lead to a new health care system.
He continues to give speeches too. Some believe this is his way to continue a connection with the people. Okay...Nonetheless, have we ever considered that this is his best quality, which by the way, is a pacifier for some people? We all need something these days to tide us over. I am looking for a good sermon. Got one? Now, please allow me to be one of the few black men to point out that President Obama lied - I am not surprised, this is what politicians do...
"Change we can Believe in"
What excuse are 'The He walks on Water Believers' going to pull from heaven on this one? I am really waiting to be enlightened. Please someone help me with this one.
Written by Brian E. Payne. Inspired by a nice fat PORK chop.
Reader Response:
In the words of M.J.: You wanna be startin' somethin'; you got ta be startin' somethin'. LOL
Muata responds to YJ:
what surprises me is that our presidents kool-aid supports are not saying a word about this - but yet when someone like me, a black man, says something critical i am "negative". whatever, i am going to be critical just like i was of GW and our "first black prez"! president obama will NOT get a pass from me. as long as we be SILENT we cannot and will not help him stand by his WORD. he said we could do this!
Reader Response:
Are you being negative? Truth is absolute. He wrote checks his ass can't cash. He certainly did promise no pork in the bills but clearly we knew that would not last. Special interest groups, corporations and lobbyist are part of our political culture and no one will change that. Clearly Obamamania has worn off and we are starting to see him as he truly is. He is a smooth politician who carefull chooses each word and action.
He can help change America but he will never change Washington.
Reader YJ responds to LS and Muata:
He never chose them well, because I never believed him. B, you're definitely speaking in absolutes on this one. Black or not, Obama should not be held to a different set of values. If he lied, he lied, plain and simple. What a lot of people fail to realize is that the entire Amerikkan political system is not run by the politicians, but by a conglomerate of power-hungry beasts who give directives to these politicians, hence, what we see of their politricks. Obama did what any politician would have done and has done--said any- and everyting to get the vote. It worked. Look at him now.
Muata responds to LS:
I am not being negative, you are right. I just think some of us are missing the boat. We can't unconditionally support him when he lies, and if he says that he is different from what Washington shyts out! He lied, plain and simple!
Muata responds to YJ:
And, now since he stood on this 'I am different' platform the republicans are attacking the hell out of him. The republicans have NEVER said they were something different - but President Obama did. Now, he looks like a damn fool...to some. He should know better. He had to know that he would have to be what he is while up there in Washington: A Politician. Surprisingly, all these Messiah followers expected something different. God bless them. President Obama will have to tell more lies.
Reader Response:
Name one President that didn’t lie…….I’ll take a lie over earmarks any day versus a lie to go to war.
No one, except the Republicans and extreme Conservatives, expect President Obama to be perfect. Have you given any thought as to why his speeches are so great? Maybe it’s because he believes what he’s saying and if you believe what you’re saying, it’s easy to convince others. Besides, having the ability to manipulate others is a REQUIRED qualification in order to be President. ;
President Obama is a lot of things, but a Messiah he is not. Like millions of other people, I know he’s capable of doing the job and you can’t discount the fact that’s he’s very intelligent.
Since President Obama obviously wasn’t your choice, who would you suggest as his replacement? I’m a fair person as well, but please don’t say Rush Limbaugh J
Muata responds to RA:
I voted for President Obama.
I do not expect him to be "perfect". I expect the truth. He stood on a platform of change. Something different. What he did was hoodwinked the people. Like all politicians. But, I expected it. I am just one to point it out. And, I refuse to NOT be critical of him. I was of GW and that "black president" we had before.
Perhaps, he is considered a great speaker because many people are desperate. Weak minded. Have you considered that? You know like many Chrisitains. I make that analogy because some Christians say that "pastor" is a good preacher when in fact he/she is typical/average. What makes them 'Jesus is this and Jesus that' pastors good? They singing the same ole song and change is no where to be found.
President Obama is a great orator. I give him that.
He lied and now we are saying, 'well, all presidents lie.' No excuses from me. He lied. Plain and simple.
I desire a different Washington. I am intelligent to know that Washington ain't gonna change, however. President Obama knew this too - but he bambozzled the people with "Change" talk. When you and others see the change PLEASE PLEASE let me know because as of now the American government is what it is and will be: Not for the people.
RA responds to Muata:
So, are you going to run in 2012? They say if you want it done right, to do it yourself.
Muata responds to RA:
Nope. I am going to stay in my role: try to offer an alternate view/understanding. And, try to continue with challenging others to speak out. Be leaders, and not sheep. We need to take control of our destinies, and stop waiting on this pathetic government to send us a stimulus check.
MJ responds to Muata's hypocrisy comment:
Yes, but the hypocrisy comes when you profess to be perfect. Anyone who thinks he/she is perfect is self-righteous and definitely misguided. But when you realize that we all have sinned, and all need direction, guidance and help, there is no hypocrisy. But that's for those that are willing to let others know they are imperfect. But at the same time, you have to be actively trying to live right! It's a sometimes tough road to travel! But with Him all things are possible.
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