Thursday, July 17, 2008

Muata's Open letter to Najee Ali

Dear Najee Ali,

While I appreciate and respect the courage you displayed in writing the letter to Reverend Jesse Jackson, I must admit that I am a little perturbed that you found it okay to share this letter of discontent with everyone who can read. You may have been effective at expressing your frustrations with Rev. Jackson. You may have even got his attention – but what you have done is further deepen the wound and widen the division that we have within the black community. Somewhat like what Jesse did with his comments about Barack Obama. Yes, Jesse was wrong, and I really want you to understand that I am in no way supporting his actions. He was wrong. Dead wrong! However, two wrongs don’t make a right. I believe our great grandmothers told us that; and I am CERTAIN our great grands, better known as the ancestors, want us to rectify the messes we make at home.

Our ancestors were so much smarter than us modern day typical Negroes. They made every attempt to handle and/or address our business discreetly with dignity for the race. That is not to suggest that we should not air our dirty laundry. I have even been guilty of airing it – but Najee, what we should not do is add fuel to the fire that the white majority has started. Why couldn’t you just leave the issue where it was: on the conscience of Jesse Jackson? Isn’t he responsible for his soul? Did it take another human being, who more than likely is just as spiritually inadequate, weak, and according to that bible: sinful, to remind us what we already know? Who are you to judge? To call Jesse out for behavior that will ultimately be evaluated, assessed, and judged by The Great Creator?

I am sure that as soon as he was made aware the bias media networks were going to blast the insult to every possible source he felt like an idiot. An imbecile. And, according to his contrite response, it appeared that he was sincere with the apology. Did you consider that it was heartfelt prior to sharing your letter? Did you for once think to FORGIVE him without judgmental criticism? Did you give Jackson the benefit of doubt before you informed everyone that you have spent time with his daughter? Was this your way to promote yourself? If yes, why was there a need to?

I don’t doubt that you have received a lot of support. I understand that, and it is to be expected considering the hate running rampant throughout the veins of black folk. But, at what cost? I will tell you. Now those in control have something additional to hold over our heads. They are sitting back laughing and gloating with: ‘Once again, those blacks are up in arms. At each other throats. Fighting among themselves.’ Does this remind you of the Willie Lynch Letter?

When will we learn to be smarter than them? What you have successfully done is supported their cause: Divide and Conquer. First it was Obama vs. Smiley. Then Obama vs. Wright. And, at the present, Obama vs. Jackson. I am sure the black heavyweight fights will continue. They are waiting on the next debacle within the black community. There will be another one. That’s the plan (sit and wait) – but we will not counteract with intelligence, love, consideration, non-judgment, humility, and all those other elements that are necessary to win the REAL battle.

Najee Ali, you best believe that we need to gear-up for the fight against the powers that be. Not fight each other because someone insulted and/or criticized Barack Obama. You are right in that Barack is not above "reproach". However, how many of us have challenged Obama? How many of us have just put our support behind him because he makes us feel good with words? How many of us realize that Barack Obama is the leader THEY have approved for us? We never select our leaders!

Finally, Umoja is the only way, not self-induced division. And Najee, you cannot believe that you totally surrendered yourself to God, like Islam mandates, before you pressed send. You did not leave yourself open to guidance. Allah did not guide you on this one. No way!

With love,


Najee Ali's Open Letter to Reverend Jesse Jackson:


MUATA NOWE said...

Najee Ali's Response to Muata:

Thank you dear brother for your thoughts. I feel that anyone who would smear his blood in Dr Kings blood & wear it for 2 days bears watching

Much respect

MUATA NOWE said...

Muata Responds to Najee:

Up until yesterday, I had never heard of this "smearing of King's blood". Never. You were the source of my notification while I listened to the Warren Balentine Show. Would you please help me with my ignorance by sending me or directing me to some information that confirms your statement. Please.


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Response:

Yes you are exactly on point because this is just what white america loves! Now that you pointed out the closeness he has with Jesse's daughter he should've just emailed Jesse personably and told him how he felt instead of the whole world because that doesn't help Baracks chances it only hurts in so many ways. But I hope and believe that people are smart and intellegent enough not to let this sway their votes!!!! If they do, it just shows how ignorant they are and how they will use any kind of excuse to say that they don't trust that Barack will do a great job because of our race.


MUATA NOWE said...

Najee Responds to Muata:

Hi brother Brian,

Go to
Type in Jesse Jackson and blood smeared on kings shirt & see the facts Andy Young says it & many others

I just found out a couple of years ago myself. Anyone who had the presence of mind to do that at the horrible moment bears watching & is suspect with me


MUATA NOWE said...

Muata Responds to Najee:

Thank you. I read a transcript confirming your statement.

I am thankful that you welcomed my letter. I just disagree with the approach you took. Nonetheless, what this national discussion has done (HOPEFULLY) is helped us (black people) understand or re-understand that we need to get our backyards in order. We must. And, Barack Obama in my humble opinion is not the answer for what I need to do in my home or in my community. You know this as evidenced in all the work you do on behalf of all people: WE HAVE TO DO IT FOR OURSELVES. Government is not the answer!

Appreciate ya,


MUATA NOWE said...

Najee Ali Responds:

Hi Muata-

i respect your opinion. it all good... Im done with it.

keep telling the truth!

MUATA NOWE said...

Najee Ali's Statement verified by Time Magazine:

"When King was shot and killed Jackson was standing below in a courtyard. Somehow he managed to end up with King's blood smeared over his shirt. Early the next morning, Jackson turned up 500 miles away on television in Chicago still wearing the bloodied shirt and implying he had held the dying King in his arms. His behavior horrified King's lieutenants, who viewed it as profound opportunism. Coretta King could barely conceal her disgust, and for years she would not even speak to Jackson."

-Time Magazine

MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Response (Aunt Jean):

I guess Jesse wants some of the spotlight. He often appears when his service is not warranted. As far as him wiping his shirt with "King's blood," I have read versions that is only red coloring and some sources say it is King's blood. You see how Jesse works to get noterity. I think he means well in some instances, but his tactics are questionable; he wants to be in the limelight.Why won't he leave Obama alone? These controversies are only causing unrest in the Black community. Now, Brian has said in one of his e-mails that "they" have chosen a leader for us and we (Blacks) had nothing to do with the selection.To me, Obama is the most qualified of our "Black leadership." Obama seems to speak for all the people and not just a chosen few like Jesse and Al would do and have done. Obama has an organized campaign and not a grass roots campaign like Jesse and Al have had. I applaud Jesse and Al for their contributions to our race, and they do mean well; they do speak out and get things done when we are treated unfairly, but I wish Jesse would support Obama and stop being so critical; he is ruining Obama's campaign. As Rodney King once said, "Why can't we all get along"? I may have paraphrased that statement, but you get the idea.
Peace and Love,

MUATA NOWE said...

Muata Responds to Aunt Jean:

Aunt Jean-
I understand where you are coming from - but why can't we be critical of Obama? He is a politician. They all pander and lie to get in office. At least Jesse and Al are on the front lines battling and winning the fight here and there. Barack is what THEY want him to be: Someone who will not address our issues. Why not our issues, Jean? He has been to the Jewish groups and promised them different things. He has catered to them - but he can't to black folk??? As I have mentioned Jesse was and is wrong. However, Barack is not approve reproach. We need to be critical in a way that is productive.

I would prefer a Malcolm X-type any day over a Capitol Hill insider! At least he was honest with his feelings.

I want a person in the White House who loves JUSTICE. Jesus did, and he died for what was right. He did not pander. He did not say what needed to be said. He was not politically correct. He was on the side of the poor. Where are our modern day Jesus'? Where are they? We need them, and not these politicians.


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Response:

My coworke and I said that on today- Why can't we all get along. Thanks!


MUATA NOWE said...

Muata Responds to SP:

we can't get along because we hate what we are deep down: Black People. the white man did a marvelous job on us, and we continue to help him out. jesse did with his foolish statement. our leaders are behaving like kids. sad. very sad.


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Aunt Jean Responds again:


MUATA NOWE said...

Muata Responds to Aunt Jean:

Aunt Jean-
Meeting with the NAACP is a start. He has already met with a major Jewish organization. He met with a Cuban American group in Miami. Of course blacks were

We have to expect to be taken for granted. The Democrat Party, along with Obama, is pretty sure that black folk will be behind him. All he has to do is give a good speech. Then we will feel good. Then we will be bought. Hooked. Convinced without even knowing where he stands on abortion. Gay marriage. Trade. Education. And, then we will refuse to be critical of him. And, finally, Aunt Jean what will happen when he fail is we will hang him out to dry: he will be a modern day crucified Jesus. We will turn on him because he will not lower gas prices (he can't), crime will increase, he can't stop jobs from been shipped overseas, he will not be able to rectify healthcare, and on and on it goes.

The reality is America has made its bed. Down hill we are going.

Sounds sad. No hope? I know. But, we all are responsible for where the country is headed. We did not hold our leaders to the right standards. We let them jack the country up. Yes, we trusted but did we forget that they are weak and sinful

Obama is a teaser. He stands for everything that is liberal. Black folk don't need that. We need a conservative approach. Not a republican one or liberal one. Black folk need to be what we were like before we decided to beg to be integrated: shared community, self love, and we practiced restraint.

With what I believe to be truth,


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Responds:

All of our comments are beneficial and so are our opinions for our own personal walk of life. It is indeed sad that Jesse- If he does not like Obama, just do not comment at all! Say nothing negative about the situation. This is a historic moment, and "the crab mentality is not needed." I hate that Jesse said that N word because he is a REVEREND first of all which makes my opinion of some black ministers or reverends seem hypocritical. Also, he is a "brother" descrediting another brother, so I say to Jesse- Shut UP! Anyway, I get heated when I speak of this.....I wish this never happened. Jesse was for civil rights when that word was very inappropriate so why in the world or dare him use that word. I am looking at Hannity and Combes on Fox News now talking and making a mockery of this. This is ashamed.


MUATA NOWE said...

Reader Response:

We all are entitled to our opinions with our support and reasons based on our walks of life. We have opinions and that is GREAT!!!!! IBlacks may agree or not agree with or support Obama, but one thing is for certain, change is needed, and there are only 2 choices....McCain or Obama so it is our choice.