Thursday, May 31, 2012

A White Human

If you are not African American it may be difficult for you to understand why African Americans do/can/will NOT accept what many liberal whites believe blacks are: ‘Just Human, Just Like Us…Just Human Beings without a race or color attachment…Just Members of the Human Race without a legitimate geographical connection. If blacks believed that they are Just Human there would be an unwanted denial and removal of their self-described superiority. So, that acceptance is ignored…avoided. A great number of blacks believe that they are not cut from the same humanity clothe as the white brothers and sisters of the universe. Why? Because black people believe that they are morally superior creatures…more ethical than Caucasians. A great number of blacks believe that they are of a higher spiritual status when their interpretation of history is prefaced or under consideration. Why? Because the Africans who were forcefully removed from Africa by Europeans and sold into slavery by men who looked just like them believe that their history points to the infliction of brutality instigated and carried out by the men Native Americans vividly described as a Pale Face. This factor is supported by the black man/woman’s unrelenting ability to forgive The White Man for all his atrocities. Black people -without deliberate force- envision a worker of malice when they think about the evils that their ancestors endured and suffered under cattle slavery, segregation, and Jim Crow.  Their –blacks- visualization ultimately is of a man that carries the white pigmentation of their Lord, Jesus Christ. Ironically, blacks believe that they are of a higher spiritual species – but yet adore and attempt to be like a white man. Contradiction…?  Yes, it is! But, it is to be expected considering black people living in America are Conflicted. We, black Americans, are of a clashed culture that has identity issues that are coated with: ‘We are not like them…but I want to be just like them, a White Human

Muata Nowe

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