All this fuss about the building of a mosque and Islamic community center next to Ground Zero in New York City.
I guess, as a descendent of black slaves, I should be upset by the naming of a few buildings/monuments...
Did not this racist use his power to "eliminate" (his word) the Black Panther Party - and didn't he refer to Martin Luther King, Jr. as monkey? A building was erected in his HONOR.
Isn't there a Confederate Flag on a pole at the top of the State Capitol building in South Carolina? It is there to HONOR The know that racist body that wanted slaves to remain slaves.
Stonewall Jackson the Confederate General that regularly prefaced God prior to fighting to keep God's people in slavery has a statue of his likeness in Lexington, VA. It was built to HONOR him.
I can continue to list buildings and other national landmarks (parks) that HONOR racist and racist agendas/intentions. And people, mostly white people, are upset over a structure that will be used to HONOR a religious faith? Yeah, 'it is going up next to Ground Zero.' So damn what!
I drive pass that flag in South Carolina. I have seen that statue of Stonewall. I have to see the name Hoover on a sign in the District of Columbia.
I guess I should be all torn-up. I would definitely rather be torn-up than a hypocrite. White America is showing its colors, pink and yella!
Muata Nowe
Reader Response:
This saga is not going to end. I have the feeling the government is going to get what they really want: No Islamic Mosque/Community Center. I also believe that President Obama was advised against speaking in support. Then he back tracked after he realized AGAIN that his boy/girls in the congress DO NOT REALLY HAVE HIS BACK.
Reader Response:
This whole Mosque controversy has me so angry these days. I literally have to tune out for periods of time so that i don't lose my mind. It is just a truly ugly time right now.
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