I did everything I could to limit my media intake over the past two weeks. I wanted this past holiday season to go unspoiled by bad news. Unfortunately, on January 2, 2007 I was reminded that the news is a hideous reflection of the world we live in. Murder, robbery, child molestation, corporate scandal, the dirtiness of politics, and the killing of Saddam Hussein became pieces of trash in my psyche as I sat and watched the top news stories and the nation pay respect to Gerald R. Ford.
The drive-by shooting of Denver Broncos cornerback, Darrent Williams did not make me cry. I imagine not many Americans nationwide are shedding tears over a black man getting gunned down. Typically the death of a black man does not faze us. We have always been somewhat uncaring with this type of incident; especially white people. Why would we be in mourning anyway? He was just another black man slaughtered by another brotha! Even with my lack of emotion regarding this murder I am puzzled. In a daze, wondering why didn’t I cry? What further surprised me was my response to the White House sanctioned execution of Mr. Hussein. It was the execution of Saddam that choked me up. Yes, you read that correctly. Watching Saddam be escorted to his death was my moment of weakness. I finally succumbed to my emotions. Why?
After thinking about “why” I have concluded that my tears were not for Saddam, the dictator. They were for a human being. With all our flaws, indiscretions, and those things Christians call sins mankind is still worthy of being mourned. We breathe in oxygen to live. We experience happiness and sadness. We laugh. We celebrate. And, we try to enjoy life as we did during this past holiday season. We are human! Humans who have/had a mother, father, brother, sister, uncle, auntie, grandfather and grandmother. We are Gods’ creations.
Saddam’s death solidified once again what I think about America. The land of pseudo democracy! The land of circumvented justice. The land of illusionary freedom! The land of HYPOCRISY!! For years America committed the same crime that Saddam was hanged for: Crimes against Humanity. Our government annihilated the Native Americans. Our government lynched and decapitated the black slaves. Nonetheless, not one pilgrim or slave owner was charged in the deaths of those innocent human beings. The United States presidents during the time of these Crimes against Humanity were not charged and convicted. They were allowed to continue their presidency while the killings continued on a more than regularly basis. It was a daily occurrence carried out by hateful men and women who happened to be white.
A few of you maybe wondering, ‘Not again, Muata. We already know America is littered with hypocrisy.’ I know too. However, it amazes me how we continue with accepting this behavior and mentality from our government. We have accepted it which actually regulates us to robots. You can get a robot to do anything. Robots can even be programmed to be mutes, foolish materialistic consumers, lazy reality television watchers, overeating fat boys and girls, and clueless objects. OBJECTS. Is this what we have become?
Saddam Hussein and Darrent Williams were not objects. They were men: Gods’ creations. Saddam was said to be a ruthless tyrant and a murderer, but I can think of several white men who supposedly lead this nation who are guilty of allowing America’s first inhabitants to be killed and who destroyed the black family unit. They are the same type of men who allow our young men and women to be killed over in Iraq as they fight a senseless war.
My questions for the United States Government: Who are the real criminals? What did removing and executing Saddam solve?
My concluding statement to the United States Government: Time will tell. I can’t wait for your hypocrisy to become a noose. I am ready to take that Dead Man Walking stroll with you. I will be carrying the noose.
Written by Muata. Inspired by my disdain for the United States Government. Inspired by those fools who shot and killed Mr. Williams. Inspired by those numerous people downloading the You Tube video hanging of a HUMAN BEING. Pathetic!
Reader Responses:
hhmmm...pretty bold sending this from a "U.S. Government" e-mail address... –PB
u know that’s right... and like Al Sharpton was saying on Michael Basdin yesterday about us killing Hussein and ain’t thinking about Bin Laden. Just a damn shame, and I agree with everything that you’ve said! –C
Reader Respones:
As much as this would seem to appear as a ranting - I am so in agreement with ever damn word you typed!!! –BS
I felt that piece. -EJ
Reader Responds and Muata Responds:
Good commentary. So the question is – what do you do? Tavis Smiley, I’m sure, started out this way and look where he is now in making the issues visible. You may be on that same track but with a different audience – age wise. One never knows….
It will all come together for me. For now it is strictly about sharing a commentary that will “move” us to react! I say: Revolt! Our constitution tells the people to revolt if there is a legitimate reason to!
Your PASSION!! How do you suggest the people revolt?
We need to stop buying into this American system. The influence of it has and continues to destroy us. We need to pool our funds, help each other, build businesses, support the businesses, be supportive of our efforts to improve, stress the importance of education, vote, re-focus on spirituality, move away from that form of Christianity that shackles us, etc. Then we need to sacrifice: go without destructive TV, create a better diet, and ease up on the materialism. Then we will be able to challenge the system politically. As it stands now, they don’t take us seriously because we are killing ourselves. The Hebrew people in the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) brought on their own problems. We are just like them. Fussing and fighting each other and not thinking about the consequences.
Reader Responds and Muata Responds:
You focus on some horrible truths of our nation. “Thou shall not KILL”.
Without facing the truth how can this nation seriously and genuinely more on? I think it is impossible to. I believe the root of both deaths (Hussein and Williams) is mingled in hatred, insecurity, and fear. When will we learn?
Reader Response:
Some great starts (your suggestions on what black people need to do). God has given you the vision very clearly – make it happen. Yes, that is a challenge. Our people need more challenges – inclusive of all of us.
Reader Response:
Loved the BLOG on Saddam and Darrent. You got major talent man. Should really think of expanding your reading base or maybe even doing some youtube or video taped topics. -DM
Reader response:
. . . Okay, since you are not yet prepared to preach, how about speaking engagements?
Brian, come on!
Your writing, feelings, spirit must be shared with others. Mine too. Let's get going on doing something to affect change.
Muata Responds to PH:
Of course I am open for speaking engagements!
I have a plan for sharing the writings with more people. Currently, my readership has increased by 100% within the last year. What I am doing is a slow process that needs to be handled delicately. Right now I am having some difficulty with executing the complete plan. I want to get a book published. I am thinking about a magazine. So many ideas. Just having trouble putting it all together. I also need funding for a couple of my projects.
It is my prayer God will continue to intervene.
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